Who's to say you can't add new items into Classic?

I like the idea of picking and choosing various abilities from multiple classes and forming it into one “class.” There was a game in WCIII. I think it was Hero Wars or something where you make your own champion and enter into an arena and fight.

The thing about applying that to WoW is that it will defeat class fantasy almost completely. It may be too drastic a change to implement as a Phase 7 addition.

But it would make sense to apply it in a separate server. I actually think there could be some legal problems with Blizzard taking Ascension’s idea. But that’s not relevant to this discussion.

I could easily see a case made for enhancement and retribution. Those specs could use love. Talking PvE gear at lower level than AQ.

Also could be cool to have a set made for bears, actually set up to tank.

Heck why not reallocate all the hybrid sets into 3 parts.

So in, the future, you can simply concede what I pointed out in my original post that addiing items WOULD be a significant change, contrary to what you originally claimed.

… that’s not what I said, at all.

What the hell are you even talking about? Are you trolling?

Again, another logical fallacy you’re committing.

Me: If A > 0 = B
You: B, therefore A = 100.

for reference


I didn’t say that it was a significant change. I was implying it WASN’T a significant change.


SURELY you understand that a change is a change, no matter how significant, and when I say I don’t want ANY changes, I can still point out that a change doesn’t seem significant and worth defining as “vanilla+”, yeah?

Bt your own words ALL changes are significant, at least to you. So you should stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.

No, that isn’t what I said. Stop lying.

So then adding new items would not be a significant change?

Adding nine items would not be a significant change, but should still not be done because it is still a change, regardless of how significant a change it is.

Make sense?

the fact that you continue to post about changes proves that it is significant (to you)

That’s not what that means, at all. You are just full of logical fallacies, aren’t you? Do you have any idea how logic works?

Me replying does not necessitate the topic matter be significant.

In any case, the fact I’m replying is because you continue to misinterpret (either deliberately or otherwise) what I am saying and I want to clarify my position to you.

The replies are about making you understand what I’m saying, not about insisting how important or significant the proposed change is.

I only made one reply to the actual suggestion. Every other reply since then has been explaining what I said to you because you just don’t seem to understand what I’m actually saying.

Are you Cathy Newman, by chance?

My guess would be Ion Hazzikostas.

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But see that’s where you’re wrong. “Cool” used to be all the reason there needed to be back in the day.

If it was cool, they did it. They didn’t worry about what the crybabies would say.

If they were to do this with armor/weapons I would be against it because I don’t want a bunch of stuff that looks like it should be in retail in Classic.

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Well no , I agree , the developers can’t be that idiotic though right? I mean they’d have to make the gear fit, not just throw it in.

I don’t know, probably depends on the 3d modelers and how much freedom they get and what their opinions are - but it would probably be cheaper or less time consuming to reuse models and textures anyway and I assume the worst of Blizzard.

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They could always categorize abilities as ‘generic’ or ‘specialized’. Like we should all know how to wear Plate or use a shield.

And I think that’s why that server changed the Class to Hero (though, I would have preferred Adventurer; I’m not a hero yet! I just spawned and got told to handle a bunch of kobolds :rofl:).

They could even go to tweak it with a debuff; Affinity. If something’s outside you affinity (ie a Paladin wielding Warlock magics), Affinity increases the mana cost. I don’t think I’d go for a damage reduction as that’s just way too punishing.

All though, that server already has something like that, because while you can pick any talent you want, without following ‘the tree’, you only have so many talent points to use.

Like I made a Paladin that had some of the key warrior abilities (shield slam, sunder (f you dragonkin in BWL; resisting most of my holy damage!), and defense stance since Righteous Fury still only boosts Holy threat and not ‘all threat’ like Defense Stance), I also wanted a pet. So I picked up ‘tame beast’. But since I’ve already gone deep into Prot with a dabbling of Ret. I’m not really built to be a beast master nor a mighty warrior wrecking machine. My ‘affinity’ is Paladin.

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And adding 9 items for no reason without any consideration as to how to fit in with existing items is far from cool.

If you want something cool, you need to consider how it fits into the rest of the game. For example, Blizzard adding tons of legendaries in Legion, and even more in Shadowlands.

Are Legendaries cool in either of those expansions? No, not really, because they’re so numerous, largely unimpactful beyond one or two good ones for your spec, and obtained in a pretty forgetful way.

Does another random epic item for each class really feel “cool?” No, not really. Oh wow, a ring. What makes it special?

There’s no thought put into this suggestions. Clearly:

You’ve seen retail, yes?

Seriously, I think you might want to consider very carefully who you’re asking to do this when you make such broad, general suggestions such as “do something.”

Difference with retail is they removed most of what made their game successful. Lol, not added.

They gave the illusion of new things while removing the very things that made it “cool”.

I’m not going into the specifics because everyone already knows what Blizzard did to their games to make them so trivial and boring. I’ve been saying it since Cata came out.

However, I do believe if they added cool things into classic it’d be a hit. They already changed a whole bunch of things , so it’s not real Vanilla anyway. May as well just add some more things.