Who's gonna get nerfed?

Feral. They always nerf feral.

Cant have a good ol’fashioned nerfing with out having a lock spec nerfed.
I mean, used to it now, to the point, I get worried if it doesn’t happen to one of our specs, cause that spells disaster in the next big patch if it doesn’t happen early.

Why would frost be nerfed? All of the mage specs are relatively well balanced with one another and Frost was already wrecked by back to back nerfs. lol

There is literally nothing keeping you from playing the other mage specs atm.

None of what you said makes sense because none of it is overperforming–save for Venthyr for frost and only by a few percent in ST and 2-3 target cleave. lol

Heck, even that is slight.

They’ll mess you up for the whole expansion. .025% buff across the board and nerf nothing
 every shaman will be doing the confused travolta gif until prepatch.

I’m gunna be sad, but this ^

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As someone who mained ret for a long time, this is the way.


I can’t remember the least time there were more Frost Dks than Unholy. Unholy has always been more popular.

All class! Everyone damage will be 20% less and the best gear will block behind p2w model where you can buy mythic raid+ gear via cash shop

And amidst all this tuning and nerfing for “the race to world first”
 hardy anybody cares about the “race” at all.

And yet the entire game continues to be tuned (and scaled) with “the race” in mind.

Let us become powerful from playing the game. The WORLD. (of warcraft)

aw, come on. I feel only moderately useful so far

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Probably H pally. Why not stick the knife in while theyre dead

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Not a nerf, but arcane mages are going to have infinite health and mana, and do 5000% more damage. Only if you are in that spec now. After the server shutdown tomorrow, arcane spec will be locked out if you want to switch.

/giggle, giggle

Says the pally. Let’s take away your bubble and WoG and see how you do.

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I feel like Kyrian gets nerfed across the board, it’s the best cov for the vast majority of specs and it’s conduits are the reason why some specs like sub rogue right now are so strong.

Enhancement is the best it’s been in forever and resto is apparently great so yea

We gettin nerfed

I just started playing one again for the first time since WoD because it feels kind of fun again so chances are you’re correct.


Frost dk has consistently been one of the strongest melee dps through most of legion and bfa.

and wod, and mop and cata and wotlk
 Idk, frost dk always get a spot

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I expect, ShadowPriests, Sub, MM, Ret, ProtPally, DKs, and WW.

Maybe Arms, Disc, Mistweaver, Shamans all specs, Fire Mages, Balance and Feral Convoke, and Warlocks all specs.

Anything fun, so basically anything that does damage, especially tanks. Cause screw having fun, you’re supposed to struggle with raids to give them data on how to screw us over further.