Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

That’s all you had to say. Now that we have determined that controlling your enemies ability to move is valid strategy, we can dismiss this silly graveyard safe space idea.
Better to push for your rated epics than to fight for allowing large premades into randoms. Premades will farm epics anyway, regardless of graveyard safe spaces.

keep in mind i only suggested a spell reflect for siege damage, this means pvp is still on, you just dont get to gy farm with the siege cannon or demos.

the issue with rated epics is that epics are at their best when its a mostly premade with solos filling in the rest on both sides. its a combo of both coordination and solo-teaming.

also, rated means you can’t just bring and play whatever, it means people want to climb ladders and get to a rating they feel they deserve, this just starts drama and makes people who aren’t skilled enough for high end play feel left out. atm anyone on any spec with any build can join epics. but as soon as they become rated now people have to min max and play the meta game.

I see your guild changed (or maybe it’s been different for awhile?) . Did you finally stop sipping the kool-aid?

If reflect is implemented in epics and I have a choice between killing you in person or killing you by raining fire down just outside the safe space, I’m going to use the machine as it completely eliminates the risk of me dying in melee combat. I am confident that the premade community you’re referring to will think the same.

How does having solo players who choose not to listen to leadership commands make the fight better? I frequently see people run off and cap Snowfall GY despite being spammed not to in instance chat.

You can bring and play whatever, but yes I understand that some people will want to prioritize perceived meta classes. This is assuming that a team even has enough of X classes/specs to prioritize meta for 40 (or 25 as you suggested) players. Also assumes players don’t have multiple toons and/or aren’t willing to flex roles.
If a player is not skilled enough for X rating then they should not be playing at X rating. It’s not as if every epic rated team is going to be playing at high brackets, lesser skilled players will have a place on low-to-mid bracket teams.

Here is an ideal I came up with today about premades I will run it by you all see what you think.

Blizzard can put in a premade tab where you can queue between 6 and 10 at a time. Then when you queue it puts you in a special queue where it waits for the opposite faction to have a premade queue between 6 and 10. Now when the queue is met, then it puts you in a random battleground queue where the rest is filled by pugs.

Now that would make that portion of the queue longer, but you would Be able to play with your friends.

That is the problem that we’ve had in our discord, we usually get between 3 and 8 on at a time. Now, there’s gonna be someone that’s gonna come on here and say that’s why you should do RBGS. Again, there’s a lot of us that don’t like to do RBGS for one reason or the other.

but if we take a single current community team, and then split them by personal skill into high and low brackets, then what was once one community is now two.

if they mass everyone on one side of the reflect zone, the GY team can just run the other direction, if the farmers surround the reflect area, they would be so thin that the mass GY team could rush and take on any one vehicle.

how much longer is the question. if its too long then players will complain about being punished for being social in an MMO. i could see this working possibly with mixed factions and the option to pick a team. that way you don’t end up with a line of horde premades waiting hours for the next ally premade group to fully form.

If it is only one team then splitting it would prevent them from playing anyway since they’re now not a full team, no?

My guild has several different teams at several different rating brackets. There is no split between us. We all still hang out in discord, we all still play alt/low CR RBGs together, the community is still one. Nobody looks down on anyone else for being in a different bracket.
If a community is splitting and having drama because of rating brackets then it sounds like small minds with large egos, something the community has to resolve themselves.

In your IoC map, if they run the other direction then they’re running into the water.
I am actually unsure of something here, is there an alternate path back to the forts if they run toward water?

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Hmmm, I would throw myself in there were I still subbed. I’d be more on the casual side of PvP though looking to address accessibility to PvP in terms of gearing and any potential means of map balancing. We don’t want another gear gap as large as we do now. The only other thing I’d push for off of the top of my head would be advocating for new BGs to be implemented.

Outside of that, I’d vote Bynir easily, especially considering his knowledge in regards to Epic BGs. However, I think he unsubbed, but I’m not entirely certain?


  • The new PvP brawl is the Solo Shuffle. It’ll take 6 players and have them fight in 3v3 arena matches in every possible combination you could form with those players. The one with the best rating at the end wins.

Who came up with this terrible idea? This just goes to show you how far out of contact Blizzard is with their PvP community. This is the only thing that they announced for PvP want to shame.

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It is testing the solo queue that players are begging for.
What is your issue with it?

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We don’t actually know that. We’ll have a better idea exactly what is in 9.2 whenever the “deep dive” comes out. Maybe there’s something for PvP in there, who knows.

At first glance tho the content looks meh, looks just like Korthia 2.0 except on a different planet. The devs in the video didn’t even sound excited about what they were presenting lmao

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Exactly! Starting small and quite possibly we may just get the much asked for, solo queue RBGS.

I haven’t been part of the guild in 2+ years. I still am part of the community.

Also, we know nothing about whatever other changes they’ll make in 9.2. I’d expect to see some major class tuning and probably some more pvp adjustments.

Solo queue needs to start somewhere. I don’t understand your issues with this.

  • it’s rated

  • teams are random

  • every combination means 3 v 3 without healers potentially.

I think you should give this a chance before dismissing it.

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Nominate Swifty for the PVP aspect.

100% council material.

That’s just silly , epic BG’s are super fun.


It’s even more fun dunking on all of the faux superior people who forum pvp in epic bgs tbh.

Yeah swiftly seems a pretty chill and genuine personality.

And then farm them endlessly and never complete objectives so you can make it go on for hours. That shouldn’t be a thing.

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