Who Will Not Accept The Social Contract?

I will accept it but in reality I will not. If they ever suspend me because of snowflakes, will just cancel my US sub and move to EU servers.

I mean, you can do that.

Just don’t violate what it’s asking of you, and act like you weren’t warned when you get banned.

Technically you wouldn’t be able to login without accepting it, so getting banned would be tough if you aren’t actually in-game doing anything bannable.


(hides cutie pie gnome behind back)

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Yup. It’s that simple. Unfortunately, that’s exactly why the social injustice warriors like the OP can’t imagine signing it and meaning it.

I can’t imagine what goes on in the minds of people who have decided to make being awful to people their entire identity.


You are my saviour!

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But who would be the :snowflake: then?


If his post is anything at all in any way to go by he’d have been doing that just fine for years, without need for any moralizing wagging of fingers.

It was already in the TOS, I don’t get some of these replies…


Elden Ring has a message on log in saying “be nice and don’t harass people in online play”

This social contract isn’t really anything different that other games aren’t doing.

Edgelords gonna edgelord.


I don’t know someone who gets offended by name callings, getting kicked from group because he started to bring his personal life into non personal life conversation etc.

5 years on US forums dozens bans, many people got offended by truth. 15 years on EU servers never got a ban

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It is basically the milk solids part of cheese with the butterfat replaced with vegetable oil.

If you get banned maybe the truth is that you were the problem.


Why is my hat stealing my dinner?

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No one likes the truth. Truth always hurts , especially here


How bad of a person do you have to be to get upset about the idea of not harassing people online?
You’ve already agreed to the enforceable terms of the social contract for as many as 17 years at this point. This just puts it in your face and makes you acknowledge it a second time since so many people feel the need to verbally abuse strangers for whatever reason.

Sad times when not being horrible is viewed as some kind of political take.


The rules are not really different there.

People getting melty over having to not be a jerk is kind of sad :frowning:

Internet re-enforcement I suspect. Kids often do it around middle/early high school where they test out the new bad words, etc. Most outgrow it.

Online though it gets rewarded with memes and lols instead of being curbed.


Well I’m sorry if the truth hurts you. :hugs:

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Well if he doesn’t get banned then I’m assuming he’s following his social contract, so there’s no issue.

Pretty sure the thread was meant as a joke, spoofing on the people who are offended by the concept of civil behavior.