Who was your secret TV celeb crush growing up?

I don’t think I have ever seen that one.

Oh its a great vampire movie from the 80s. Half the cast to my memory is from Aliens lol

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Neat! I watched the trailer. Never seen it. May have to check it out. Reminds me of the Lost Boys. That’s my favorite 80’s vamp flick!


Lost Boys is good too. I just like my vampires played by a crazed Bill Paxton lol.

God I miss him

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Same dude, same.


It’s a great flick. They have a real nomadic Sabbat pack vibe going.


Linda Carter was insanely beautiful.


The kid from Icarly that records their show when I was growing up. That socially awkward goober always made me smile :sweat_smile:

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Paula Abdul, definitely had a thing for her.

Sadly, Freddie looks like a simulant now with all his cosmetic surgery.

Kristy Swanson. The original Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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Teri Garr, “Would you like a roll in the hay?”

Scully from the X-Files!

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That goofy asian chick in… what was that show… i think it was disney channel… the two twins or whatever. She was one when I was waaaay young.

Brenda Song? I think she married the kid from Home Alone.