Who the Hell even ASKED for Shockadins to be a thing?

What does “makes shockadin important for hpal” even mean? That doesnt make any sense.

Also i couldn’t disagree more that shockadins are supposed to heal…i dont know if anything changes between TBC and SoD, but i rarely healed anyone but myself and most the time i was just blasting.

If a class does incredible dmg, then why should they be healing? Make it make sense, please.

I was nice and said please.

Thank you.

-Absolutes/Alphacake r14 of Faerlina, and bane of Whitemane

Shockadin had a weakness in TBC, rogue…but in vanilla im sure it was stomped by everthing, likely even average mages.

Counter for rogues in Vanilla/TBC: reckoning.

Sounds fun. Thanks for sharing.

No one asked for it. There’s some dev who is totally obsessed with the spec and the entire game is then designed around trying to make it work and they don’t care that HPal balancing gets totally screwed in the process.

Cause the talent tree that contains that DPS spell is a healing tree lol. And the spell itself has both healing/dps.

And the TBC spec that keeps being floated around was total garbage for pve and if you watch pvp videos that actually showed PVP combat in between the 15s cd, you see shockadins healing/cleanses. Don’t forget the best build for that spec was 41/20/0 which had ZERO ret dps talents, and the sunwell build has stats that allowed it to burst as well as heal well in BGs/5’s.

So no its not a dps spec. It’s a hybrid pvp healer that did burst every 15s.

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Did you ever actually look into shockadin? Its wasn’t just holy shock…it basically was using imp seals and holy shock and stacking spell damage. It very much was a thing in OG classic and was actually really good in PVP if you ever actually played back then. Just because there isn’t a talent tree called “Shockadin” doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.


Shockadins, just like tank Locks and Rogues, were always something people wanted since Vanilla.

Having played Paladin lately, I have really enjoyed Shockadin. It’s very fun.

Also, ew, Aaron Rodgers.

yea this. Shockadin was one of the few specs that had a dedicated spec name back then. Not many classes had this, alot of the names we used now for specs actually come from private servers. Holy reck, ret reck, control ret, deep ret, tri spec ret, holy duelist, etc are all recent constructs.

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Misguided developer time? Says this while probably in a dung with a warlock tank and his mage healer kek

but also not intended in a way. kevin jordan admitted they only wanted shaman to tank up to sunken temple, the class was supposed to be a caster/healer type class. But they also wanted more tanks in the game and maybe another healer so its ok that shamen tank in SoD.

KJ did think maybe disc priest (like the monks in scarlet monastery) or survival hunter were more appropriate tank options.

My Shockadin this last go around in Classic was even more deadly in pvp than in OG 20 years ago. I’m going to assume you actually know about TBC Shockadin, but either way, in general, your post is negated. Wrath Shockadin was nerfed due to global cooldown change of judgement (iirc). I’m happy that players are getting to play a shock spec in SoD. Shock is extremely fun.

I dislike how they calculate exo cooldown. ZG 5 piece bonus says reduce cooldown by 3 sec.

WO 5 piece exo is 7.5sec (with Purifying Power Rune.) With 5 piece is 6 seconds (with Purifying Power Rune.)

IE 15-3= 12 then -50%=6sec Vs 15-50%= 7.5 7.5-3=4.5sec

Just saying lackluster 5 piece set dedicated to shockadin.

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Who asked for you to make this thread dumb dumb?

i dunno i just kill them.

Melee hunter seems pretty popular still and all they use is raptor strike. Just sayin’

Horde has one more spec than alliance. What’s the problem with shockadin?

Been asking for rogue tank for years, would like a hunter survival tank too while we’re here.