Who still has Legion gold?

Same :frowning: I have to mine so much monelite/stormsilver to make up for my spending. All my Legion WQ gold has been annihilated and the numbers in my backpack are far too low.


My gold situation is critical.

Going into BfA from Legion I had a lot of alts that were generating gold for me with missions, I did the same in Warlords, and it was a nice non stressful way to manage having some income once it was set up.

I went into BfA from Legion around 3M. I’m now down to around 300k and I’m having severe trouble trying to see how to turn that negative gold flow around.

This is a new and not very happy position for me to be in. I’ve never had problems with gold. Even back in classic I basically set my alts up to be a business for me, I had one of every class at 60 before the first year was up and they were all tailor/alchemists that were making gold for me on mooncloth & arcanite transmutes.

Missions for gold are so measly for my alts right now, professions are in such horrendous shape, and basically everything I’ve ever done to make gold has dried up as a source
 I can’t figure out what to do. But I hope something happens because my raiding consumables are going to bankrupt me before too long if I can’t figure out how to turn this around.


On this newly-leveled character, the only Alliance toon on this server, I have next to no gold. On other servers I have enough gold to continue to buy tokens indefinitely, given that I have nothing to spend gold on since I haven’t bought BfA and have no reason to.

Gold from WoD ? I had mountains of it before WOD and have added to those mountains in Legion. But unlike a lot of clowns who beat their chest and screamed to the high heavens about how they would never have to pay money for the game again and then the WoD gold train ran out I understand how to make gold each expac

/head pat

How cute
50k gold!!

/patronizing smirk.

(lmao sorry, I had to do this)

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I still have plenty of gold even after spending over 5 MIllion gold in Legion and 3 Million gold so far in BfA.

If you would like to enlighten us then, please do. Because I used to make my non-WQ gold almost entirely from the sale of older expansion materials and transmog pieces, some of which take a very long time to sell. Since the profession change in BFA (expansion brackets) sale of these materials has taken a massive nosedive. The values are relatively similar, but nobody is buying. And then there’s the matter of the AH fees.

And on my part, if I try to list a single dark iron bar on the AH, it’s a 50g deposit. Posting a stack of 30 dark iron bars costs me 700g TO LIST. This is an example of one of those long-term sales items, because dark iron is used only in a handful of rare transmog recipes and has no other use.

I am a miner. I mine for ores and I sell them. That’s how I make my gold, but now any ore that isn’t monelite or stormsilver is almost worthless except to small niches of collectors. So I’m glad you understand how to make gold each expansion, because I do as well. The problem is that the well has run dry and a major part of my profession is now almost worthless, so I can’t actually make any gold.


I haven’t made Gold since the Garrisons in WoD. I’ve lost money in both Legion and BFA. It sucks for me that Blizzard has started creating massive gold sinks which cater only to insane people who run profit-making rings on 12 Alts, because now I’m priced out of rewards. Even the reputation tabards in BFA are freaking 500g at exalted now wtf happened??


I gave a friend enough gold to buy 4 tokens to buy bfa and also got the 6month subscription for the mount with gold.

Stull sitting at around 4.5M across 3 servers.

I had to buy weapons, rings, and at least one trinket. Plus flasks until my alchemist made rank 3.
Spent about 2 mil total, currently down 1 from the start. My only income now is herbalism and mining, but that’s taken a fall since all the bots started up again.

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I’ve spent about 1.5 mil in this expansion, including tokens. Most of it was on tokens and a few gear pieces early on, as well as some mats for leveling professions. I’ve been extremely frugal so far.

I still have Vanilla gold. UBRS farming was very profitable early on for my guild and friends I played with at the time. And don’t forget the 40-man raids later on.

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Hell, I still have my WoD gold. I don’t really have anything to spend gold on but I have a lot of it.

How much Vanilla gold would you even have, assuming you were the wealthiest person on your server you’d have earned only a few thousand.


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Maybe he bought an investment quality swArd or something in vanilla and still has it in his bank vault.

Hmm, do I have salable stuff in my collection from vanilla? Bah, too much stuff to look thru.

i’m in the same boat as Yith most of my gold pile started with MoP and just grew from WoD and Legion

I mean inflation is pretty normal in a game, especially one that is going on 14+ years now. The degree of which of course can be critiqued but its pretty normal as an overall concept that this happens. Also you get like 2k gold from a gold emissary. 500 is pretty cheap, that’s just the price of a flask.


Perhaps. He might have one of the unobtainable transmog items - or even multiple - and could be counting those assets as gold. But the actual gold itself that he earned in Vanilla would be pocket change considering modern inflation, item value not withstanding.

He invested it into an Azeroth IRA and it earned about 12% annually over 14 years.