Who loves their Mechagnome?

Greetings one and all!

I am quite fond of this little fella and hope to eventually level him and collect all the mech pets and ride all the mech mounts and battle all the mech battle pets.

Although I am still missing my ultimate want as far as playable race(Saberon) I have no issues with this guy or Vulpera, or KT or Pandaren or DH, as I play them all, along with my draenei, LFD, DiD, Undead, Mag’har orcs, Z trolls, regular orc, a few worgen etc etc etc. Just playing what I love, regardless of what people think.

Time to go oil my kneecaps, they feel a little stiff…


Don’t have one yet, but I will be tickled as soon as I unlock them and make one or two.

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That does look pretty darn sweet. It will fit in nicely with shadowlands stuff.


That oil bath is going to feel sooo good!

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I think they are pretty cool. I like them better than all these freaking Vulpera players…

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I made a second one, ArrtwoDK, with a different vibe. I’ll decide between the two very different looks. :slight_smile:


They do have stellar hair and 'staches…


Mine is called Mechadeth and has the devil looking horns hair… He’s awesome. Going to level him for the heritage armor and then retire him for this mage.


Y-yeah! They’re pretty cool!

More people should go Ally to try them out!

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I await the crafting of Back to the Future tech from our mechagnomish friends

I thought it was a cool idea. They should have let you wear pants if you wanted though


This to be honest. Waste of a race slot.


I made a kul tiras death knight but I just unlocked mechagnomes before going to bed last night. I’m probably going to delete the KT DK and make a mechagnome DK instead.

The hardest part for me is deciding to pick a class for my races :joy:

I still need to make a kul tiran, mechagnome, and vulpera

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I don’t think people’s issue with Mechas are that they exist…
Contrary to that, I think most like them quite a bit.

Problem is they took up an AR slot.
I think they should have been relegated to gnome customization instead of a full blown AR.

Suppose you could say that about Dwarves and orcs, too I guess. But pairing Mechas with Vulpera was … an odd choice.

Upset because some people are enjoying these AR’s? Now that sounds

like a colossal waste of time


I’m hoping down the line Blizzard add in a body modifier shoppe for the Mechagnomes. Could set it up near the paint shoppe.

Have stuff like being able to change your hand to a hook or claw. Even maybe something like a flamethrower. Or have broken limbs available that look like when the terminator got his arm ripped off. Sparks coming from the wound.

So much you could do.


Of course it is

Says a member of one of the, by faction, least played races in the game.

At some point minority interests take a backseat. A handful of people thought the trashpile gnomes that were clearly some nightmare fuel from a robot chickenesqe episode, were a good idea.

Meanwhile lets ignore… Naga,Violent fishwarriors, Sethrak. All with far deeper storylines than say the 5 minute introduction and destruction of King Mechagon. The entire way they handled Mechagnomes was an affront to good story telling and good artwork. They are pure trash.

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Enthusiastic statement: I absolutely love this character. It was worth every hour spent getting rustbolt rep!