For Lothar to suddenly have a wife and/or girlfriend would be a stupid retcon.
Since when has a retcon being stupid stopped Blizz before?
This just looks like “arathi faction must have lothar name!!” and they’ll think of something last minute to validate her as a Lothar.
Am I forgetting/misremembering something from the announcement? I’ve had it in my head the whole time that the TWW arathi went underground a long, long time ago. Like centuries. But y’all are talking about her and her connection to a relatively recent guy in our world.
Since when has that stopped them before? (Leo beat me to the punch, blast it.)
Ooo I love character designs like that. She looks cool
Azeroth is a tiny place when you think about it and there’s only one person in lore with the Lothar last name and they made a point of saying he was the last of his line.
That’s why I’m asking who she is. I was wondering if I missed something, like a Hearthstone card or whatever.
Somehow a Lothar returned.
Dang, the underground people none of us knew about before hand
How dare an Arathi person have the same last name as an Arathi person
Coulda been great great uncle long ago for all we knew, not the first time blizzard added people
Yeah, somehow one was put in the game and lore for reasons.
Did I imply this is a bad thing?
Well, retconning Lothar would be imo.
(It’s a Star Wars reference. “Somehow Palpatine returned”).
That’s really neat. Is this the first NPC with an amputation? I wonder if we’ll see more NPC’s with battle injuries / amputations.
Illegitimate daughter or granddaughter, I’m thinking.
It looks like she has pointed ears too, like a half elf…
Whoever she is, can I kill her and take her mog?
Asking the important questions.
They’ll never allow us mail classes to have something that neat.
Isn’t that how family trees work?
To be honest it feels like you’re conflating his “last of the Arathi bloodline” status and his surname. I mean you can get in on a surname through marriage. Or hell, just by changing your name. His actual lineage was a matter of having a well documented family tree which had him as a direct descendant of Thoradin. But also this is a newly discovered bunch of people. If they splintered off from a larger group of Arathi in the past, then it’s not unimaginable for there to be another direct line from Thoradin among them.