Who is the best player of every spec in the NA region?!

He was 2 low rated xd

See this is even more questionable because I was watching streams for like the last 2 WEEKS of the season out of pure boredom and never once saw this supposed TSG, so like either you qed at complete degen times or you’re just coked.

Anyways prevy best boomy world change my mind

Nah i was qn disabled-icecrown at that rating, only saw toxicant tsg.

Prevy best multiclasser world prob

He still gives me full moon PTSD from that one tournament o.o

dang if both petkick and mud start owning you its all over.

I had the honor of qn 3s with his boomkin two nights ago he is very powerful

we queued into foxyllamaand jahmilli that day ill try to find the vod and also i have reflexes so here:

Is it finally 70?

yea hes like 40-5 in 3s rn literally a gamer

Blizz , do you see what you did? Death Knight is so bad , they have to PVP on the forums instead of arena


And my point stands, complete degen hour qs

Newsflash if frost dk is bad you can’t get R1

I am pvping all the time buddy!

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those are R1 hours friend

Are you telling me that if he can’t run and spam chains of ice for 60s every 60s after doing 3s of unhealable one shot damage that he can’t win???


11AM is NOT R1 hour lol ESPECIALLY on a weekday

Ultimate setup!!! pure skill needed to pull it off

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this was last day of the season, as u can see dk double monk (petkick). idk why u guys dont believe me, i played TSG to near rank 1 in cosmic and eternal season too.

Frost dk is so scripted anyone can do it and any player with a brain can pre and counter it. Dragon just makes it so pre-using anything doesnt matter, you’ll just die through cds anyways. :rofl:


You know usually petkick gives everyone viruses with dark sim but you’re getting pretty high up there just by breathing right now ngl