Who is real rank 1?

“People don’t talk about things they don’t care about” sounds accurate on paper, until you actually look at the real world in which the World of Warcraft is situated

then you realize people talk extensively about things they don’t really care much about all the freaking time because they just want to talk in the first place.

Has anyone ever actually cared how the weather is today?
I don’t think people talk about the weather because they’re insecure about the weather. Maybe they’re insecure about the silence and their intrusive thoughts, but probably not the weather.

it’s really not that people don’t care, people care a lot about the game. just in it’s current state.

If you’d hear my mother in law breath into the phone you’d quickly ask about the weather too Scabber.

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https ://clips.twitch.tv/BumblingFineFlyCurseLit
put some respecc on that ravager bro

Lol tbh, I ran it a few times just to kill priests in s7 vs arcane/mut RMP because that was the only way to win.

Of course they do

Still not at all relevant to what I’m talking about

Anyone that essentially tries to claim from superiority that they don’t try at all but they’re really good is essentially just being defensive and using it to deflect their own feelings of inadequacy

It’s also straightforward when someone isn’t doing that. But if you’re making a claim like that from a defensive position you definitely do care

There’s a difference between casually saying “Yeah I could easily be a millionare if I tried” vs someone just bringing it up in a way to act like they’ve already succeeded (usually out of insecurity).

No one is going to get defensive about something that doesn’t matter to them lol. Randomly talking about things that don’t matter is different

It’s the difference between just jokingly saying to your friends that you could get any girl you wanted, vs just going around and telling everyone that the reason girls aren’t lining up for you is because you don’t care at all lol

Anyone doing the latter is just insecure


That’s just your response to everything you don’t have a better response to :upside_down_face:

It’s very relevant to the motivations one might have in making any kind of conversation. People aren’t all the same, the human mind isn’t like mathematics, it varies tremendously in motivation and scope of involvement.

What you think of as “defensive” might be another persons attempt at trolling. What they’re “defensive” about might not even be skill-related at all. Humans are quite capable of being skilled at things yet stunted in their expression of those skills due to, say, an overbearing parental figure that left them with emotional scars and an inherently defensive posture.
It’s simply better not to make broad assumptions that exist outside of observable reality. It makes you look inexperienced at, well, reality.

You are deflecting again…

Is all you have to read and you randomly started talking about the weather.

Not at all, I’ve literally retyped and rephrased the same statement to try to re-explain it multiple times and you’re missing the point

Idk how many more examples you need because I never claimed there aren’t people who don’t succeed because they don’t try - it was the first thing I mentioned

Those people are still way more rare than the amount that just claim they’re not trying as their excuse. Sometimes it is the truth, but the majority of the time it’s not.

I don’t even know why you’re bringing up the point of everyone is different, that’s not at all part of my claim lmfao. Personality was a huge part of my post on success anyways, for you to be the person that succeeds without natural talent then you just have to hate failure more than success which is not a common trait either, hence why even though logistically anyone can succeed in certain areas with a ton of dedication it’s also impractical because that type of drive is rare, especially since people have unique preferences. Not every person is competitive and even though the human mind is made to adapt not everyone will especially if it’s unecessary to them

But if you somehow think that it’s rare that people make the excuse not just in WoW but anywhere in life that they’d do well if they tried idk what more to say. It’s really common for people to make those types of claims. There are far more people that are just BSing to cover up their own shame than there are those that truly don’t care and are just joking/trolling lmao.

You’re like repeatedly trying to point out every exception which is absolutely valid but I also never discredited either.

I’m not missing the point at all, far from it.
I actually think your own posts towards him are rooted in a defensive mentality, and I don’t think you have any reason to be that way except…outside factors from your life.

Should we analyze why you care about someone thinking they’re better than they are, when you’ve clearly demonstrated your own aptitude? By your own logic you should not be bothered by this.

I’m here purely for the philosophical arguments, and I just don’t think 2 dimensional interpretations of human motivations are ever more apt than 3 dimensional ones.

There are also a ton of people who try and fail, then say “I could do it if I tried” or “If I had x I could do y”.

Granted there may be people who could do x if they tried, it’s easier for most people to not try and make false claims then see themselves try and fail.

TLDR; Fear of Failure.

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Deflecting facts

Karmo, you’re trying way too hard to inject yourself back into this conversation, and you are not at all subtle enough to pull it off naturally.

If you want me to tell you that your face looks like a fried ham, all you have to do is ask. No need for the posture or pretense.

Business is hiring a new employee and is seeking 10+ years experience in that field. Scabbers here is the one doing the hiring, who do you think she will choose?

A. 13+ years experience + Certifications as well as letters of recommendations from the previous employer.


B. Some guy named Jeff that said he could do that if he were to actually shower, maybe get dressed, and just maybe put in a little effort into his hair?

By your logic both of these people would be equally qualified candidates.

Sure, except I’m not sure those exceptions are all that exceptional. I prefer three dimensions over two. More information resolution is always better, philosophically.

The fact you haven’t stated what the field is here is brilliant.
Am I requesting 10+ years of experience in the food industry for working the window of my small locally owned deli?

I might just be a :poop: employer.

I was honestly trying to simplify it so you had less to deflect off of, but i guess i still gave you too much information…

Kings Rest sword says what
:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

“I tried to withold information to skew the results” is never a good look, my diminuitive midwestern cauc.

The real question is why you making threads about a dead game in a dead forum?