Who is real rank 1?

Tomcooley the best

The Rorke Special™

This badly mogged male human paladork has been typing for almost 10 minutes now I can’t wait to read it

Edit: 16 minutes! Is he ok?

O yes i got 1 to bite.

This is a downright stupid expectation to have, with this mindset any player that puts in the effort and is motivated can accomplish rank 1 on the ladder? None the less you say easily which implies its not even difficult or would require much motivation or effort.

This is literally exactly my point " I would be the best if i tried" Wether or not you lack motivation or dont want to put in the effort you are still not number 1. Not sure where you missed that one.

Careful now you could hurt my feelings :frowning: So you are aware I did not intend for this to be directed at him solely, but more towards the skilled players who fit his description that may get a little erked. ring any bells?

Sorry didn’t know I would run into to fashion police on the forums that one is truly my bad!

Im not sure projecting your own emotional agenda onto someone’s statement is going to produce your desired effect. Based on achievements your time may be better spent in game.

Or this sums it up nicely.
GL to you.

You say that like video games are the olympics or something lmao how cringe

Perfect attempt at deflecting the truth. GG goodbye :slight_smile:

What truth? The only real truth is some people care more about being competitive in video games than others.

Wow isn’t even a skill-gapped game, it has knowledge gaps. There is no requirement of extreme dexterity. Only a middling typing speed is needed, and there is a very low APM requirement.

Getting good at wow is more like getting good at trivia than it is getting good at professional roller skate football.

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I have been doing it all wrong then I was playing to get better when instead i should have been reading up on football. Darn it!

So now my achiev score is considered skill, can you two make up your mind?

Have you considered changing your name from karmo to hamdude
U look like a hamdude

I just tried but it said name is already in use. Then i checked and it says alt of Valdorian?

What you clearly missed here is the word CAN. He made a factual statement which you failed in your attempt to counter due to assumption. At no point did he say effort and motivation will ALWAYS.
Hope that helps.

Stating that unknown players have just as much skill / potential as known players is in no way equal to someone saying “they could be the best if they tried” This is simply more assumption on your part that you were attempting to project onto others statement. You cant manufacture context and then say someone’s statement is wrong that that context you created.

This sounds like an attempt to taunt or call people out. Its unlikely a skilled player would be triggered by petty taunts as they are less likely to be that insecure.

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Simply epic brother you have the most cunning of wits I am astounded by this retort I showed this retort to the people of my village and we all agree that hamdude has the greatest of retort simply epic thank you I hope you enjoy

My mind is made up but i will be glad to clarify if you did not understand. If you are going to come in and taunt other players with passive aggressive accusations that they lack skill perhaps you would have a little more standing in such arguments if you had demonstrated skill of some level.
Achievements are in no way the end all be all and frankly to me mean little due to what has transpired in this game. That said having not even earned (what most would consider ) very easy achievements can send a message you likely dont want to send.

Ok go back and read again please or better yet ill do it for you.

As you can see i at no point assumed it was ALWAYS, please try not to assume my words mean other things!

Timmy is the best at stacking blocks, but billy knows that if he put in the effort he could stack blocks higher than Timmy. Sadly billy never tried to beat Timmy at stacking blocks and we will never know if he could have done it.

Considering you can’t even work out how to use quotes correctly I can safely assume that your words mostly just mean “me impotent stupid big dumdum man name Jeff”

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Good that clears that up, neither of you are skilled… LOL that one got me laughing a little :slight_smile:

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Karmo is 5’7. Karmo is of very average height for a man boy. Karmo stands on his tip toes and wears platform shoes.
Scabber is 6’. Scabber is very big for a goblin. Scabber is lazy and doesn’t care about standing up because bean bag chair is v comfy.
Karmo is taller than Scabber.

Me karmo me speak big dodo logic

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