Who is going to tell the alliance?

because you’re burnt out complaining from the other five hundred things you guys complain about.

Oh, Piper.

Why would you think that?

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Are you aware of how they caught Ted Kaczynski?

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I don’t even know who that is

Are you a math professor in Boston?

Its level 10-15 alliance alts made by horde players.



Orcs should be majority of the Horde though so this wouldn’t bug me lol

Perhaps you need to read the forums a little more thoroughly A healthy share of the complaints about pvp from the alliance is this:

“We(alliance) may have fast ques but we also have a terrible win rate because all we do is face premades. Now horde have fast ques and great win rates. It’s just not fair.”

This sentiment is all over the place if you’re paying attention and pwns topic is accurate. Horde pugs also face terrible loss rates against premade teams. Horde solo players have the same exact problem alliance players have when queing into bg’s.

But like many people aren’t speaking honestly about the topic.

The OP stated Horde weren’t complaining about it. That’s simply not true. Not sure why you’re bringing up dishonesty to me.

Actually I’ve seen 4 horde forum posts complaining about premade and zero alliance so far. Lol.

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