Who in their right mind would do the 5 timewalking dungeons for a 445 piece of gear?

Why would i do it

Then dont do it. Nobody is forcing you too. Its not designed for herioc or mythic raid lvl toons but for those below that.

i asked why would i do it? cmon

so what youre saying is… there is no reason to? Thanks


Why are you doing this?
You already know the reward from simply looking at the quest panel.
Determine if it’s a priority for you.

For the reason I did on my main this. For xmog, reps and mounts thats the purpose it serves for herioc plus toons

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lol its a box i didnt know what was in it. the question is why would i do an ENDGAME weekly quest that is usually somwhat rewarding and easy but this week is terrible. Im trying to get the answer as to why would blizzard make an endgame quest give such crap

Its not an endgame quest though. Anyone can get it past lvl 109

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Its still a weekly endgame quest lmfao

Endgame would require cap this does not by your logic doing any quest past lvl 109 should reward 460 gear

What lol? what are you saying? It gives 445. Apparently a quest hat gives 445 isnt endgame

I can get that 445 gear at lvl 109 how. How is 445 endgame?

but you dont lol

I did actually all my alts that arnt capped who did it got 445 gear

im not a retard lmfao its literally a 120 quest

It specifically tells you the level of content which it’s obtained from.
FYI, it’s from a selection of set ilvl rewards.

If you call 445 ilvl rewards “ENDGAME” content (it isn’t), then you’ve set yourself up for disappointment.

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No. It literally says cache of x. Doesnt give an ilvl. Im looking at it on my alt rn. Pull it up on wowhead and look too

Also 445 is endgame. nyalotha isnt endgame by that logic

Yeah it states cache a herioc cahce states herioc on and myrhic states mythic something the game has always done since its introduction your lack of knowledge on this is your own fault and nobody elses

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Cache of ny’alothan treasures
bind when picked up
“rewards a piece of equipment for your loot spec”

how do i upload screenshots?

You dont need to you said it yourself cache. Doesn’t say herioc or mythic cache does it? Cashes that reward that lvl state so amd always have

What? I said why would i do the quest that takes 2 hours for a 445 piece of gear? Youre confused or something