Who else needs a rework like shadow priest before SL release?

Probably just because they didn’t expect to have to revert the change to how it played and expected it to keep the two seperate proc stacks.

Potentially also just to streamline proc generation instead of having different abilities having different maelstrom generation values :man_shrugging:

I hear feral, guardian and balance are kinda wonky.
Maybe nothing as bad as Spriest, but I am wondering what people think is next in line as far as need.

I don’t play Feral but from what I gather they are fine now in terms of mechanics, they kind of lack that one really good utility tool to make them wanted in groups, it’s like a rogue without Shroud and less CC.

Boomies are actually getting a revamp with a new Eclipse mechanic, I haven’t looked at the details but I’m pretty sure Starfall does damage again (and a lot of it). Not sure how needed it was though, Boomies were very good for both Raiding and M+ for most of BFA (at least early BFA not sure if they have fallen off).

Guardian is a very basic tank but that’s kind of how it’s supposed to be, they just need perhaps a bit more utility and a DPS cooldown (which they are getting).

Disclaimer: I’m no expert on Druids.

Guardian would be the top of my list. Boring, uninspired and low performance among other tanks. It needs more than just buffs but a re-calibration on what the spec is suppose to play like. Simple design is okay, boring is not.

WW and Feral probably need to be reworked too. Compared to playing DH or Rogue they just feel lacking in identity to me.

The eclipse bar takes away your agency when it’s time to use solar wrath and lunar strike.

Live still demands you use both, but you have agency in deciding when you do so. Eclipse demands you use your solar wrath to get to lunar strike. Eclipse demands you use Lunar Stike to get to Solar Wrath. On ITS schedule, not as you find an opportune moment.

Trust me, eclipse is one of Blizzard’s worst ideas for balance ever. No one on the dev team plays balance if they think eclipse coming back is a great idea.

Druid is probably one of very few classes to benefit from the BfA-Legion treatment. Eclipse can go die in a hole.

Again we are designed just fine, it’s just our talent that need an overhaul and we scale like garbage.

TBH, the entire shaman class needs an overhaul. I see what they were going for with enhance but it just feels like they’re trying to hold onto something that doesn’t exist. Shaman have never quite been the same since totems were gutted and they tried to make up for that - numerous other things have caused the class to feel all-together wonky.

Surprised to see more people didn’t mention survival hunter. I mean it’s my favorite spec but it is one of the least played specs all around

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You obviously necro’d your own thread

Frost dk and destro warlock

He did not, since it was my thread. I thought it was dead though. He might have necro’d it, but it was not his.

All these people saying that specs need a rework because they don’t enjoy them. Just because you don’t like a spec, doesn’t mean it needs to be changed.

Arcane is completely fine. It has a clear philosophy in design of popping cooldowns, doing phases of big burst damage, then managing mana until your next burn phase. Anyone who says “its a 1 button spec” either doesn’t play the spec or is doing it wrong.

Not to say Arcane is perfect, it definitely needs its tweaks just like any other spec. But thinking it needs a rework similar to shadow priests, whose spec was centered around the flawed design of void form, is moronic.

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Arms, Feral, and Survival definitely need long looks. My opinion is the other classes should be forgotten until those three have been taken care of.

Feral Druid definitely needs a rework… the energy costs for all of its abilities are far too high… you spend more time auto attacking than anything and the spec has nothing that plays off it’s auto attacks…

Beast mastery would be nice to see some changes… give us some passive buffs to our pets over other hunters… our spec is all about the pet anyways… tie in more pet interactions to our attacks. And please give us back steady shot as a focus builder… barbed arrow is terrible for focus…

Make Survival Ranged Again!

They tried to rework Elemental, but couldn’t figure anything out and reverted it to BfA style.

Arms warrior.

Our talent tree is absolutely atrocious. Warriors in general are the only class who have important mobility talents mixed in with formerly baseline CC. We also lost a lot during the pruning, and they’re trying to bring back all the wrong stuff. (Forced weapon macros??? WHY???)

Doesn’t matter if we’re viable or not.
We’ve turned into a dampening class that has no self-sustain while it just plays like clunky garbage. A single spec should not need a pocket healer in PvP to be on a lower tier than other classes. There’s no pay-off for the disadvantages like there was in the past.

I didn’t sign up to play 10+ minute dampening games.
I signed up to coordinate crazy burst windows and put out sustained pressure and to fall behind if we messed up either. Where’d that go?

Not to necro again, but no I am a different person :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for the necro