This is true. We were certainly outnumbered.
There was a massive amount of randos in the area. I think we could have wiped them with a big push but himanshu wanted to play it safe with a bunch of smaller pushes.
It turned out more fun that way anyways since the randoms didnt give up. If we had wiped them outright they probably would have bailed.
good job! keep it up
idk if you’re like new to posting wpvp videos but generally you’re supposed to display clips of dominating the other side. you showed killing like 7 or 8 people while the main body of the raid got away. you could take the “they’re running so its a win” approach but since they were attacking and you were defending, you cant. their healers need mana and fighting in enemy territory you essentially have to bail to get mana then re-engage so this is why your clip doesnt make any sense because you didnt show a decisive victory. if anything you showed failure to capitalize on what might have been a successful engagement.
also by the looks of the endless stream of alliance flying down that road i’d say you did in fact have almost if not more than double what WSB brought. that does not look even remotely close to a 40 man.
I’m usually toward the agreement of make it epic and grand but come on man it’s just a video.
We had 35, check Mort’s video for reference. Adding all the duelers and randos hanging out and alliance had near 50-60? iirc
wsb even discussing unbalanced numbers is so ironic
Good choice in music, it was our pleasure to provide the drum beat.
Blademaster delusion as per usual, the only person who’s even mentioned numbers being an issue is Olenaxo lol.
How every ED wpvp battle ends
Where’s the POV of the first fight at that farm then where you guys got decimated :P.
Also not Himmy getting angry at their guildie for not being able to MC me and try to drown me…
Never asked for help, I said WSB is in goldshire if you want in on some wpvp…
You then said people in WSB were telling you they were outnumbered… which yeah, by a lot of the people sitting in GS not doing much outside of my raid group…
I said since when does WSB care about even numbers and you stated “Well I do”.
Clearly you aren’t interested in world pvp, and we never talk, so why be on my bnet friends? lol.
Blademasters maybe.
I almost died laughing when you nitpick them out of the 5 for rp lol
Be wary of “Too Sleezy”
Last I heard they were doing/Allowing RMT
For context, They used to be a guild called “Fightclub” which eventually broke up because one of the officers was doing RMT and they evenly split between other guilds ‘Too Sleezy’ being the ones who supported the RMT.
-Former Officer of FightClub
That is some interesting information.
I realize actually getting this off the ground is going to be something of an Uphill Battle at this point, but I just started a new Guild called Apocryphal Council that is going to be an RP-WPvP focused guild.