Whispering Players from different Server bugged?

Everytime I try to whisper someone thats on a different server of the cluster it bugs out. It will try to just whisper the person with the same name but its auto defaulting to the same server and says no person currently playing. I try to enter the name and server manually but the dash/minus sign key “-” doesnt even get entered into the field. Only happens when trying to locate a player. If I enter the key by itself it shows up.

yes whispering is all messed up. if you /who helistab and then right click the name in chat and whisper it will work as a work-around for the time-being.

Hi Helistab,

We just deployed a new hotfix that should resolve this issue. In order to download the new client hotfix, you may need to close out of your WoW Client and allow your Battle.net app to download the new version (you should have

After logging back in, this should work as it did prior to patch 1.14.4. Thank you for the report!

Bro can you just revert this patch? All of these changes and bugs are so unnecessary. Really getting tired of your team making horrible changes no one asked for, which break 500 extra things along the way because you don’t test your own products.


Were there also changes to the chat API with this client update? I have a abandoned addon my guild depends on that communicates with itself using SendChatMessage, and I think it is having issues with this, but I’m a novice at this but trying my best to troubleshoot it. Would just be nice to know if this was also changed or not. I already had to fix some other addons that I found had deprecated API calls (SetMaxResize and SetMinResize for example) that I replaced and got working, not a big deal. Would be nice to know all of these changes in this new update as most of these addons are abandoned and we are trying to salvage what we have come to depend on over the last few years.

This has not been fixed. WHispers are still bugged in ERA.

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