Which spec in DF?

I have been thinking the exact same thing about SV. I already have a 70 ready to go on a classic pvp server, and I am leveling a second on a fresh start. I am not sure I will get through all of DF, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

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MM, gonna try and do lonewolf with wailing arrow and the windrunner side. Did a mockup PvP build for it, gonna have to test it when prepatch drops I spose.

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it can be!

lol, I too have loathe rapid fire since its addition and i too will be avoiding it on my hunter. lol

Itā€™s going to end up being " which spec is least broken" that I play with first. I like BM but SV is stronger, so keep switching between the two. Will be same in DF with switching specs for what is preforming better.


Iā€™m leaning BM. Which is something I havenā€™t said since WoD.
All the extra pets you summonā€¦ you truly feel like a beast master, flooding your opponents with extra summons. And if you want it, you can spec into stuff like Serpent Sting or the Trap. Itā€™s no longer a 2 buttons spec but maintains its identity and mobility.

MM is fun. I really love the wind arrows. But outside of that, it isnā€™t a drastic change from SL and I personally just want to change it up for the new expansion.


I like all of the hunter specs. So I make use of all of them on mine.

Love MM for bursting shot and the instance AS procs. Excited for wind arrows!
Love Surv for fighting with a staff with a pet companion.
Love BM for ezpz topping charts in PvE.

I agree, itā€™s so practical it kinda ruined other classes for me KEK


This is the same issue I dont want to be forced into bm to be taken for groups.

See I loathe Lone Wolf since its addition to MM spec. I know its an option but due to how much it gives in dps I know its going to be almost mandatory to have. I think it should be a passive like it is now. I am MM and use my pet to tank for me and for the Leech I get with it.

I see what blizzard is trying to do with MM but there is no way that our pet that we do not have any attack commands would be 10% of our damage. I would have to see the numbers that show that to me. But I do understand people not liking the pet ui and possible pet pulling when in dungeons because you forgot to dismiss it.

BM just cause I"m not a player that plays the best class going, Love BM and love its playstyle. And the Single Beast Kill ability looks very good.


SV, because I love chaos.


Goes perfect with your race

Thatā€™s fair.

I was hoping to play Evoker (Devastation), but I donā€™t think I can make it work in random bgs. But I guess you meant which Hunter spec. anyway. Probably ā€¦ MM.

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Iā€™ve played mm, and bm a lot in the past, but I decided I would learn sv awhile back. I really enjoy it even though itā€™s not particularly amazing I really enjoy it!


Yep, the mobility alone is just too nutty imo.

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Gonna be playing mostly BM. Dat mobility.

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Well I was leaning MM but now I am a little worried about getting addicted to throwing bombs and impaling things :frowning:

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Survival is the only Hunter spec I really like. Iā€™m hoping though to make this character my ā€œmain Hunterā€ instead and fill her stables with fun Goblin-themed pets. Then, try out Beast Master. May end up not liking it still but the idea still sounds fun and worth the time to me.

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Except for Legion, Iā€™ve been switching back and forth between BM and SV since Wrath. Iā€™ll continue to do so.

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