Which Professions make logical sense for a Death Knight?

Blacksmithing & Alchemy.

now I can’t decide between armorcrafting and weaponcrafting. Probably armorcrafting.

oh yeah? do tell, I was curious about this while playing my DK.

well i’ve got everything from the Unborn Val’kyr to the Crawling Claw to the Weebomination, but my favorite is Mr. Bigglesworth as he also has his own little frost effects, im pretty sure he’s a deathknight cat.

Blacksmithing and Enchanting.

Half of their whole shtick is forging runeblades.


Also, inscription and alchemy.

Don’t quite understand all the comments saying skinning when the DK lore revolves around runeblades and you have the above. Skinning and leather working are the least relevant.

for me, it’s because

I’m not saying that the others arent more fitting. I’m just saying after I thought about it, that skinning fits too.

I said nothing about leatherworking.

My DK has been Inscription and Herbalism from the start of Lich King.

I found it somewhat funny to run around picking flowers…and then gave my revenge by slaughtering, repeatedly, the Alliance NPC pack that roamed the Barrens as a public service to lower level Horde toons.

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My DK Mort is a weapon smith, which has proven to be invaluable for making great sword recipies. I am currently using a crafted great sword , while I am leveling a veteran one with flightstones that dropped in Superbloom and In addition I use whetstones that give bonus attack power and make deviously deviled eggs , for a little extra damage on Blood Dk tank.
So weapon smithing and cooking , in my opinion

For RP, probably enchanting and maybe blacksmithing to create your own powerful magical armor and weapons.

For practical purposes, alchemy and enchanting to handle the most recurring costs.