Which Path Did You Take?

You like to ask questions and then you are upset with the answers.

Maybe you should stop ignoring whole portions of a post. Because I said :

Of course it is unrealistic, a few years and a couple expacs later.

I prefaced my statement by saying the lore has moved on from that.

I want “the Old Wolf” fur pelt as a prize.

A reward for enduring BFA ans Shadowlands. Then I want Sylvanas to raise Liam and turn hm against the Gilneans. That would be true justice for Stormhiem.

Not really upset but more puzzled by your expectations. What precedent gave you the idea that Genn would ever show up in orgrimmar in chains?
Has any Horde leader been so ceremoniously been presented?

Even at the Siege of Orgrimmar’s conclusion, the Horde would not hand Garrosh over.

I replied to that bit. I replied with this:


This faction war will not end until one side absolutely destroys the other.

I hope the Horde win.

We already got justice for Stormheim when we took Helya down again and finished off her Mawsworn Val’kyr.

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no, justice for the Forsaken.

Justice for Loyalists.


Gilneas Karma is a B.

You are saying I am being unrealistic. And then you say what is one more contrived thing on top of the other…

Fiction is contrived by its nature.

To go back to our discussion about Saurfang sparing Anduin- it does not have to be compelling to be accurate with the Lore and Canon. Sure, that is not a compelling plot point, but it is the lore.

You can say Saurfang’s reasons are contrived and hypocritical and ignore the Horde’s past - that is your opinion.

What is factual is that Saurfang considered the Alliance aggression at Stormheim when he agreed that the Horde was in a fight for survival. He even told that to Tyrande. Call him a hypocrite - he may be. But the simple fact is that Genn’s actions against the Horde, and the Alliance’s lack of a public response, are what led Saurfang to agree that the Horde was facing destruction at the hands of the Alliance.


Only in the way of how Blizzard tells their stories… when has Blizzard ever done a faction leader exchange like this. Like I said even Garrosh was not handed over to the Alliance, so why would you expect the Alliance to hand over Genn?

Which makes Saurfang’s decision to join the Alliance and their attempt against Sylvanas and the larger Horde she commanded even more contrived.
Ok so the Horde was facing an existential crisis because of the events of Stormheim… the Alliance could attack them… end the Horde!

Ok. Sure.
And Saurfang thought this was not the case with the Burning of Teldrassil and the successive Horde military defeats one after another throughout BFA?
What made him think the Horde was in a better place after the events of BFA for him to consider cooperation? Surely the Alliance would be even more motivated to wipe the Horde out of existence at this point.

What held them back? Andiun?

I don’t disagree with the facts you laid out… I am just saying its all contrived and none of it is convincing for BFA and SL. start to finish it is all a big nonsense mess.

I thought they were going to reveal that Sylvanas charmed Saurfang during their discussion. To absolve Saurfang and make Sylvanas carry even more of the burdens of the writers.

I am surprised they didn’t just toss that in as an aside.

During their discussion, the writer mentions Saurfang noticed a twinkling in her eyes- I thought that would end up being the basis for absolving Saurfang.

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That certainly would have made more sense.
As ridiculous as it is.

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funny thing is, Sylvanas giving herself up to Tyrande’s judgement is possibly the most honorable thing any leader of the Alliance or Horde has ever done to take accountablity for thier personal actions.

You would never see an Alliance character admit they were wrong and face the piper.

while you think Sylvanas fans are being punished right now. What we got was absolution. Now if anyone attacks Sylvanas in the future, she has the moral high ground.


That’s our secret Ren. We are always right.

Eh maybe but I wish in the 1v1 show down it was Tyrande that beat the crap out of Sylvanas first before running out of juice. That fight was far too even or even one sided after waiting literal YEARS for someone to finally get a reckoning.

She is in hell atoning for her mistakes. The highest ground she stands on is in the Mariana Trench. Even after she comes out of hell she will probably say “My atoning is not complete” So she will never be fully absolved.

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ah yes, the road to Hell is paved with best intentions but the road back is paved with humility.

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Thats going to be one boring Sylvanas. :frowning:

no, she’s going to be the person she was always meant to be before Afrasabi’s power trip.

Someone who makes cold practical reasoning for survival, but also someone with the heart of the hero. She’s going to go toe to toe with villians like Tyrande and Jaina and Alleria and Genn because that’s the kind of hero the Horde needs.

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Not if she is dragging her feet and looking down with Tyrande scowling at her in the corner.
Well better than dead I guess. I didn’t like questing under sad andiun in BFA, idk if you will enjoy the Sad Sylvanas either.

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People say Danuser is all about his waifu… but I feel like the previous Devs are the ones that had the unhealthy relationship with the Character, and Danuser was trying to salvage what he could.

Afrasaibi and the previous crew were the ones sashaying her about like a corpse bride.


The next expansion is supposedly ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL danuser.
Lets see what he does. He has no excuses now.

if that’s how you interpreted Sylvanas’s judgment then I feel sorry for you. You just didn’t get it.

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