Which Path Did You Take?

If Sylvanas and the forsaken don’t invade Gilneas, Liam is still alive. The ONLY people at fault here are the forsaken and Sylvanas.


The Forsaken were forced to invade Gilneas by Garrosh Hellscream.

Garrosh started the attack without Sylvanas even being present. She was trying to off herself on Icecrown. She only blighted Gilneas to appease Garrosh and give him a quick victory so he could stop using her people as a disposable army.

If you want somepne to blame, Garrosh in your man.


Still their fault. I’m not going to fault a father for grieving for the loss of his son, who died at the hands of a bunch of monsters.

As much as I like the forsaken, I do have very little sympathy for them. Greymane has every right to want to see that the forsaken see justice for what they did,


okay, but you are not considering that the narrative treats Sylvanas and the Forsaken like an equal victim of the Battle of Gilneas. She even died in the battle, she got betrayed and shot in the back of the head at point blank range.

Her wanting to just get the battle over with was based on anger and betryal, and a need to take back her power in a Horde that treated her and her people as dispoable.


Invaders typically get less pity and sympathy from onlookers.

At best you have the patriotic supporters.

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So, she doubles down, becomes an even bigger monster, deciding that whole multiverse needs to die to feed her new Master….

The shotgun to the skull was a mercy if anything :wolf:


well it’s a good thing this game offers a fly on the wall third outside viewer perspective so you can see both sides of any faction conflict.

Wow, for a “Sylvanas fan” you are acting kinda like a hater right now.

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An invader is still an invader Ren.

Garrosh forced an invasion. Sylvanas used the Blight.
At the end of the day she was in the wrong, and no one is really going to pity the forsaken or Sylvanas as they attack ad blight Gilneas.
Its a tall order.

At the very least we are getting a good story for WHY she is doing what she doing.
Its not dumb evil mustache guy doing evil for the sake of evil like BFA or SL.

To note, the Alliance didn’t know about the Val’kyr, though they did know about the Vrykul and the Aegis, and possibility of Sylvanas stealing that for herself instead of retrieving it for Khadgar would probably not be considerable a good thing.

That said, there is no indication in the Stormhiem that Genn had received this intel first, due to the nonlinear leveling structure.

Though, people who cling to Stormheim as a sign of Alliance aggression probably don’t understand the meaning of hypocrisy. “Genn tries to assassinate a world leader and attacked the Forsaken unprovoked!” Sylvanas literally tries to assassinate Genn, who was also the king of a country of people that the Forsaken were attacking unprovoked. “But Garrosh forced them to!” doesn’t change that. And the rebuttal of “Genn broke orders from Anduin!” always intentionally overlooks Sylvanas breaking orders from Garrosh at Gilneas not to use the plague.

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I like her character, just knowing what comes after? At least in Cata she would have died as a sympathetic character.

That’s all I’m saying.

The start of the Stormheim quest included a passage of “We have received intel that the forsaken/sylvanas will be at stormheim” and they send you off to Genn and Rogers to be debriefed.

Is it the letter from Azsuna? Maybe.


I feel like Alliance players don’t want to take any accountability for Alliance agression that that incredibly frsutrating.

You all have justified every single thing the Alliance has done.

you all claim your hands are spotless, you put all the blame for faction conflict on the shoulders of Horde and Horde players and that’s not fair or accurate with the story Horde players are told.


It must be a side effect of choosing:

It is clear enough. The justifications from biased forum posters mean nothing in the face of the canon lore.

Genn disobeyed Anduin and got rebuked for it. But the rebuke was private, so Saurfang never heard of any consequence for the attack at Stormheim. And then he agreed with war.

I can only laugh when people try and use non canon stuff that never made it to live to prop up their head canon. While the actual story occurs.

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I mean it kind of is, Blizzard has made the Alliance good and the Horde evil.
We have not one but multiple reasons, justifications and motivations for the aggression we do and Horde barely has the motives let alone justifications. That’s why we have a term like villain bat, and it sucks, the game is black and white.

Honestly instead of blaming Alliance players for acknowledging the story Blizzard decides to tell how about the Alliance be given more darker roles?
All those many months ago that is exactly what I was asking for and it was being labelled as punishing Horde players.
Like what are we supposed to do? Blame the Worgen for being invaded? The invaders are the real victims? Its a leap and you know it.
Blizzard is entirely at fault for telling skewed story.

Sylvanas wanted to start a war for her new BFF the jailer. If stormheim excuse didn’t work she would have had another. Sylvanas might be a psycho but she was resourceful, she had a goal and she would have gotten it done one way or another.

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Ironically if it wasn’t for the Jailer Sylvanas would have left the Forsaken to die under Garrosh.

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Saurfang considered a Makgora then and there. But he reflected upon Stormheim, and realized the Alliance will attack at their whim, without even a formal recognition of the attack, much less an apology.

Even if Sylvanas had ulterior motives, she still spoke the truth about the Alliance. And she used that truth as much as she used her lies.

Sylvanas used the reality and the truth about the Alliance. The Alliance served her purpose by attacking the Horde.


The Horde has been attacking on a whim in Ashenvale for years.
The Horde has done as much shady stuff as Genn did in that one instance with no public rebukes in sight.

At least Genn has the excuse of operating under bad info but still he accomplished a great feat that aided in the fight against the Legion.

And what would a public rebuke even look like or be enough?
Come on dude this was a contrived reason as any. It makes the Horde look like hypocrites.

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Look, the time for all that has passed. The Forsaken and Calia are chummy with Genn, and he has shown compassion for Forsaken. I think at this point, Turalyon or Alleria are more likely to kill Genn than anyone in the Horde.

But, since you asked :

Back then, during Legion, I thought the Alliance should send Genn to Orgrimmar as a sign of recompense for Stormheim. For the Horde to mete out justice.

That didn’t happen.

Like when the Horde sent Sylvanas to the Alliance for recompense?

You are just being unrealistic at this point bud.

Whats one more contrived logic in this forest?

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