Which Path Did You Take?

Azsuna happens after, the shipwreck is one of the ships blown up in the attack, he still attacked first, unprovoked.

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So the Queen’s repose gets blown up in Stormheim.
Gets repaired, sails again and then it becomes shipwrecked at Azsuna to spill the beans on the super secret Forsaken mission in the Broken Isles (Stormheim)?


A scrapped non canon order that never made it to live.

Now you are reaching…

Aszuna was supposed to be the lead into Stormheim, before blizz allowed people quest in any zone they wanted in no particular order


what order?

I dodn’t play legion Live, i missed PTR stuff that never made it to live.

what was found on the ship?

That Sylvanas was up to some sketchy stuff in Stormheim. Which than was supposed to send the alliance player, with Greymane and Admiral Rogers to investigate what she was up to.


did it make it to live?

if it didn’t make it to live then it’s not canon. Genn attacked first for absolutely no other reason than revenge, and that’s in character for Genn.

You can still find the order on the ship in Aszuna, but if you did Stormheim before Aszuna, finding the order doesnt make sense as the player and Genn would have taken care of it already :wolf:


It may not be an canon order but it leaves room for doubt.
And all this piece of canon order is if we want to claim Genn had absolutely no idea or reason for his attack on the Forsaken.

You could cling to this but as stated earler the fact that the Horde was seen as opening hostilities by causing Varian’s death already gave Genn the reason he needed to attack the Horde after they struck the first blow. As he believed it any way.

Andiun didn’t want the hostilities to increase any further hence his orders… well more like guidelines to Genn. Otherwise his orders would not make any sense.

Sylvanas started the war not because she got attacked in stormheim, She wanted to feed the jailer souls and obtain power from the Maw in Shadowlands. Which she did by the end of BFA. If Stormheim did not happen she would have had another excuse to make it happen.

This is true.


The letter is canon. But the zone order is not canon.

The letter in Azuna has no bearing either way. Even if it was found first, Anduin gave the commands he gave, Genn still disobeyed Anduin, and Genn got rebuked for it.

If it was found after the attack… it was found after the attack.

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Genn assumed Sylvanas betrayed them, based on his bias.

Sylvanas didn’t betray the Alliance at the Broken Shore. She did nothing to justify the Alliance retaliation in Stormhiem.

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can you link the letter? what does it say?

unless it says

“I’m off to Stormhiem to do sketchy sh- :smiling_imp:

I don’t think it would justify a sneak attack.

And by Dreadlord design.
During Afrisiabi’s lore spill by interview it was all by designed. By the latest book it seems it was out of her control?
Assuming that Sylvanas was not at fault for Varian’s death.

Then yeah but still the Alliance was manipulated in thinking the Horde attacked them first, they got Varian killed and they were angry so they wanted to get Sylvanas.
Thats why Genn screams “FOR VARIAN” as one of his war cries when he confronts Sylvanas.

the premise to Dread was that the Alliance doesn’t attack the Horde just because they are there… generally. They have a percieved attack from the Horde first before making this move.

Welcome to grey story telling where nobody is wrong and everyone is justified. Yes with reader’s hindsight and foreknowledge. Yeah Sylvanas most probably wasn’t at fault but both her and Genn were manipulated by the Legion to be at each other’s throats for good or ill at stormheim.

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okay so I found it, the Queen’s Reprisal was not one of the 6 ships sent to stormhiem, i was wrong.

The Captain’s Log of the Queen’s Reprisal https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Captain%27s_Log_of_the_Queen%27s_Reprisal

all is says is “The queen is going to steal the very power of the v” that’s not cause for attack. She’s doing her own thing, Genn wanted to mess up anything she was planning, because he doesn’t want her to have any victories. Genn has a personal vendetta. That’s his motivation for anything he does against Sylvanas.

But the letter does mention stormheim, we the player out in the wilderness can’t decipher it more than we can thats why we take it back to Genn and the Alliance spymasters (most probably dreadlord infiltrators) to gather more info from the dilapidated letter.

All I want to point out here is there is a step by step events that lead us to the stormheim attack.

It was more than enough for Anduin to send Rodgers and Greymane along with the player to investigate what she was up to though. :wolf:


according to Dreadmoore the dreadlords couldn’t have possibly lied to Genn because wowpedia says Detheroc only talked to Anduin /s

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the kid jumped in front of her arrow…

Liam Greymane is responsible for Liam Greymane’s death.

The sooner Genn comes to terms with that, the sooner he can stop weaponizing his grief

thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.