Which class trinket breaks sap?

Sure you do.

I been in hunks for 3 years rofl.

Its classic wow bro, how is this even remotely possible.

What is the scale for grading this “beat down”

You barely play because GDKPs are banned. Easily spotted.

Frosst is so cool, he’s never used a trinket in his life.

Because he only fights people below level 20, and they can’t cc him.

This is kinda true.

I havent done a gdkp in forever.

I play 1 toon in cata and everywhere.

I aint got time.

When you get 60 lil bro let us know.

When you get 60 lil bro prove it.

Oh wait youre too scared LOL

Imagine being scared on a video game forum.

You wish I wasn’t 60 so I wouldn’t be beating you at everything in this game.

I wish you werent a coward.

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I wish you were better at this game.

So I didn’t feel bad about ganking you.

We both know you dont play.

LOL you are desperate for my main’s name.

It’s funny.

Id just be disapointed.

You’d be grateful I didn’t gank you.

Come to era, you can try but you will die quick.

You dont exist

Sure I don’t.

You dont.

You pay a sub to post on the forums.

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