Which class trinket breaks sap?

Imagine still not having epics from mc, thats an L. I’ve gotten 2/4 pieces that matter already and all my good gear and weapons are i’ll buy from a vendor

I don’t need MC epics to gank lowbies which is literally all I do.

Yeah cause you suck at pvp, we know. Thats why you are minus 1k while the rest of us will pay 90g in p2

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Weird I killed a 60 shadow priest like 30 min ago then.

Press X to doubt all.

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The salt doth flow.

It’s EZ when you are lucky like me and get 6 blue sapphires from mining SMALL thorium nodes.

Take your L’s and leave little bro there are level 25’s in redridge to farm

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You are all so salty.

those games don’t count :expressionless:
take the L

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Not really, I didn’t roll on pvp server because i’m not a dog so have fun doing w/e there

12000 posts of pure mouth diarrhea. Hilarious!


Are you enjoying dual spec?

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I can’t wait to trinket sap.

You 100% buy gold.

Lmao this was the easiest win today.


Who was that guy who swore up and down that this wasn’t going to happen? I forget…

Ranking to 11 with a slow mount is griefing

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It’s ok to swipe. I know a few who do it, nothing to be ashamed of.

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Remember when he said it was going to be far too hard for them to code into the game?


You can if they add the TBC trinket which is 100% likely.

Take the L, you should be used to them by now.

I’ll take the W since I’m beating you in this game in every way.

You died over a dozen times in ZF I never died in ZF.