Which caster

Really want to main a caster. I’d prefer it to be a pure dps class, so mage or lock.

Are either relatively safe bets for m+ and PvP, historically speaking?

Edit: moved to correct forum

Curious on why this is posted in the warrior forums?

That being said, mage will always have a spot in both due to its CC for pvp and its burst damage in pve.

I personally like warlocks more, mainly due to their theme in general. Lock is doing very well atm.


historically frost mage is always quite strong in M+ specially early in a season. Fire and arcane usually catch up by the end.

Warlock is hit or miss, S1 they were ok, S2 most groups ignore warlocks for better classes and S3 they were a strong powerhouse. Don’t remember how they were in previous xpacs though

Whoops. Intended to post it in the Warlock forum…. However, you warriors are showing how awesome you and replying more than I probably would’ve got :wink:

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Was actually asked the other day what I think has been the most steadily “at the top” or OP classes given that I’ve played the game since release.

Rogue, mage, or warlock.

They’ve had their bad times definitely. But they have been the most consistent 3 classes over 18 years.

I know that doesn’t narrow it down much for you since you said both mage and warlock but that really comes down to you which one you would rather play.

Mage > lock. Mage has had a spec be good for keys every patch since I came back in bfa. Even if they’re not s they’re still good

Historically speaking, Mages are safer across a more broad horizon [m+,pvp, raid].

While Warlocks are the kings of raid in terms of being above average and even top tier for a few expansions and even when we aren’t, we still have 1 spot due to utilities and having 3 specs who do 3 different things; Mage exists in there as 2n’d/3rd place in that position.

Meanwhile in M+, mages have been good more times than warlocks, and have a toolkit who rly favors you wanting to invite them over a warlock[judging both are in similar levels of tunning, not speaking of S3 DESTRO GOD] as Bloodlust, AI, and the Crowd Control mages offer is good in here.

In PvP i am unsure who is stronger, both had their downs and lows, but i think you might prefer mages.