Which battles should we look for new strats for/check old ones?

Title. If there’s anyone without beta/PTR access that can think of existing battles that could use testing, let us know here.

AKA any strategy impacted by the changes that have no viable alternatives so far.

Probably most of the Argus boss battles (a lot of them relied on stampede or black claw strats)

The 15 Tanaan pet battle challenges could definitely be looked at. Most of them relied on the Undead Val’kyr curse of doom with either haunt or unholy acsention. Even more relied on Ikky & black claw/stampede. With the fel corruption damage, these will be very very hard to fight with no new strat.

check xu fu they are already starting a system to flag old strats and a shadowlands section for what folks are reporting from beta.

They also acknowledged the issue with these nerfs making tanaan jungle and other tamers impossible. They claimed they would be changing it as they go along. so welcome to the upcoming beta they will release live.

I was afraid they would treat the hard battles like this :frowning: After hundreds & hundreds of attempts to get the Seaborne Spore & Nightmare Bell, it really stinks to not even be able to keep trying once pre-patch goes live.

I had hoped they would remove the Fel Corruption on the Tanaan battles with the changes, or at least up the drop rates on the rarest ones before the changes go live…

It really is the epitome of apathetic design to use rng to cause fights to have to be done several times even with the proper team.

Pathetic and sad. Fun detected and properly removed. Grats Blizz you really know how to knock the legs out from under folks.

Agreed! Even with the best of my teams, certain battles fail repeatedly with RNG as it is. I keep 3 or 4 backup teams and sometimes I go through most of them as well. Why not have a “Zidormi” for the challenge tamers like the ones in MOP & Tanaan & the Celestial Tournament & pet battle dungeons?
Whatever they ruin with what they are doing now will just cause a new wave of new “needed” teams & strongest stat fighters anyway like the last time they nerfed our teams.
I don’t see the point of this with all of the many challenging battles & dungeons they have added that will be impossible now :frowning: :frowning: