Where's the Elemental Lightning build, Blizzard?

I play the class (Enhance and Ele) because I like its overarching theme and damage profile—two for one. Both of them are dead now.

It’s irrelevant if you’re not playing the beta. There are people who have played this game less than you and me who have a better understanding of it 100%.

Are you aware of the bugs and how to play around them? How they specifically impacting how they playing on beta? The specific timings and spell queue interactions?None of that information is in there.

Home boy actually dropped his degree JFC.

You got me there RIP

It matters, but those actually testing on beta day and night matters way the hell more.

I’m advocating for what I believe Ele shaman should be. And IMO it’s going to have dog-water gameplay, and if I’m going to be doing 12 hours of raiding a week, I don’t want my fingers to hurt from mashing Lightning Bolt for hours on end so I’m gonna scream for the hiltop about how butt this gameplay is. And yes, I, like many others, have tested a bunch of different builds, talents/hero combinations during raid testing and M+ keys on beta, not just mindlessly hitting target dummies. I’d like to play old Farseer Fire but I also don’t want to sandbag my team, do tank damage in keys, and make delves take longer than they need too. I’m a busy person who wants to play this game all the time so I’d like if it were to do good damage and be fun.

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Clearly you missed the point. The point was it doesn’t matter the context of how I know. I just know + when has beta = live? they reworked paladin, shadow, etc multiple times. beta doesn’t mean anything other than get people to pay extra money to QA and test things before launch.

You’re not too busy to spend hours on beta to then articulate your point to this forum post. Dude, WOW is more than just raiding and doing top tier dmg. You can be mid tier and still clear the raid. (btw its designed to be beaten that way). Unless we talking mythic and ultra high end content. If you’re exclusively talking about high end content, then I agree with you.

p.s. I am also agreeing with you that spamming one button is not what I want. I am safe in saying a majority of playing don’t want to just spam one button. No one ever ever has advocated for a spam lb spec. We all want an engaging lightning focused spec. We can have all three. Engaging lightning, engaging fire, engaging weaver. Its possible. I believe in blizz. If not I would have stopped subbing long ago.

I’m talking about high-end raiding, mythic raiding, and pushing keys. If I was doing below that I would play whatever I want regardless of what the sim says. My guild is currently trying to push for HoF so I very much care if my preferred spec/class is doing good damage or not because I don’t want to sandbag our collective goal. Especially if I don’t enjoy the gameplay.

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to this game enough if you think that is possible for high end content.

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Can LB overloads trigger thunder strike ward? If so that could get pretty juicy fast.

Well yall, here’s your super sick lighting build. It’s playable on Live now. I hope you like spamming lightning bolts. Glad we went from spamming meatballs and ignoring 90% of the kit to spaming blue vines and ignoring 90% of the kit.

Reading is hard, I get it. But the entire point of this thread was that spamming a single lightning spell was not a satisfying lightning build and that Blizzard made a mistake adding only passive lightning spells instead of adding new ones.

Just stop posting in here if you can’t even be bothered to read it.


Nah give it a week, all the AOTC only/casual players will be loving this build just like how people fell in love with Season 2 Storm Enhance because it’s currently pumping hard and it’s brain dead easy to play. If Ele was doing havoc DH level damage in Season 3/4 a lot of people wouldn’t have complained about meatball spam.

Haven’t tested to see but Thurderstrike ends up being like 2-3% of your damage so its honestly not a lot. I don’t think it does but you could test it by specing out of SoP and see if if the # of thunderstrikes are the same.


Does the lightning build even have all of the fun stuff? Deeply rooted elements, IF procs, meatball cleave. Are we really going back to spamming chain lightning and earthquake?

How does anyone consider this an improvement? I’m sorry, but I don’t see it. Instead of fun talents on the fire side we now take a bunch of passives in the middle and a long cast that makes the thing you spam more powerful, yippie!

It would be interesting if we’d enhance the stormkeeper LB’s with mote, but according to people in the discord it’s better to just send it. This really sounds awful, I’d much rather weave spells from all the elements instead of spamming one button.

No, it does not. It’s as bare bones as Blizzard could possibly have made it. They put 0 effort into the lightning build.

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That was definitely my impression of tempest as a hero talent when I first looked at it. I’m hoping it’ll be a little different.

Fun lightning things would be things like static cling. Elemental in general always felt like it could excell in the weaving of elements in between lightning bolts to create specific effects, which is why I like Surge of Power so much.

Farseer Lightning build seems like a counter-intuitive choice of rebellion just based on what it looks like, but it’s not like there’s a good write up about what ancestors really do.

You said “fun stuff” and the first thing you named was Deeply Rooted Elements…

Least pretentious and elitist retail wow player. You don’t know why people love this build. People haven’t gotten to play a true lightning build in a while and while it is spammy its lightning. Lava burst build was literally spammy and braindead too. They are 2 sides of the same coin and you’re obviously biased towards fire, which is fine.

I don’t have a preference for Fire Builds and very much hold the same level of disdain for this current Lighting Build as I did for Season 3/4 Meatball Spam. Honestly, I could care less if I’m mainly casting Lighting Bolt or Lava Burst, but both this current Lighting Build and Season 3/4 Fire build are degen trash in my mind gameplay-wise, which is what I care about above else. It feels like we’re getting the other side of the coin. Excluding major reworks of talents, the thing I’d like to see is more incentive to spend Maelstrom often (especially given the Season 1 tier set) by buffing Earth Shock/ Elemental Blast.

Stormbringer Lightning, I feel a bit better about it compared to Farseer Lighting, but even that feels way too spammy, especially once you get to a boss in a Key. I haven’t tested Farseer Lightning in Keys too much on beta since Grandpas like to just cast Final Calling on random mobs (including those not in combat). Farseer Fire (single target and raid) before the nerfs was perfect IMO because it shifted away from mindless Lava Burst spam and made you want to spend Maelstrom and use other abilities. It feels incredibly bad playing an enjoyable build that moved away from mindless spam only to return to mindless spam with a different coat of paint.

I think it’s pretty damn satisfying honestly, at least on AoE . The cooldowns are on a short enough cycle that it keeps it entertaining.

Stormbringer Lighting, I’ve been having a better time, but it feels really bad once you get to a boss in key going back to spamming Lighting Bolt.

Yeah the single target isn’t as fun, But it’s not entirely brain dead. There some synergies there that create a decent flow and the pace seems to make it feel more interesting than it is on paper from my limited time playing it this afternoon.

I’ll be honest though I’m a sucker for visual flair. And seeing my screen light up with chain lightning overloads makes me a little less critical than I otherwise would be. I vastly prefer lightning to fire for shamans and the CDR lets us be more liberal with the usage of the rest of our kit and have far more uptime and interaction with our CDs.


I feel aoe is fun, but isn’t necessarily too much of a change from the fire build. You’re still spreading flame shocks and you’re still lava bursting with pwave, now the emphasis is more on CL and earthquake. You’re weaker in spread situations and you have less prio damage.

In alot of ways we lost something as well, our spread aoe/cleave used to be one of the strongest in the game.

Don’t get me wrong, I love CDR gameplay. Part of the reason I love Enhance and enjoyed 8.3 Icecap Frost DK and 9.0 Unholy DK. The issue right now is there’s too much emphasis on getting CDR via FoL; IMO it puts the same bad taste in my mouth that Season 3/4 Fire Builds and Season 2 Enhancement Stormbuilds had with only caring about fishing for DRE procs and ignoring the whole of the kit. Too much emphasis on CDR also makes downtime way the hell more punishing since the performance of a CDR-centric spec is almost entirely down to your APM. I’d like more depth added like how Enhance’s Stormbringer Storm Builds got; still spamming a lot of Stormstrike but there’s way more going on under the hood.

Yeah I keep thinking about this and how much fun Mythic Silken Court is going to be since that fight very much was perfect for Farseer Fire’s damage profile. We’ll still have some spread cleave with Farseer Lightning but it wont be as nutty as it was on Mythic Council.

Pwave with Stormbring Lighting in M+ has been a vibe with the short CD on LMT. I very much hated Fire Farseer in Keys due to the insane micro-managing of Flameshocks.

but FOL is what keep lightning afloat , nerf it or change it and all goes down the drain sadly

They don’t need to nerf FoL necessarily. Realistically, all you need to do is lower Lighting Bolt’s damage a bit and buff Earth Shock/Elemental Blast and Lava Burst, so you want to spend Maelstrom instead of just spamming. Storm Frenzy is there is as an incentive to pay as it is, but casting Lava Burst into Earth Shock/Elemental Blast is not worth the overall damage loss from just spamming Lighting Bolt and not getting CDR. Stormbringer AoE has you spam Chain Lighting and Earth Quake instead of playing around Echoes or SoP. There’s no reason to even do the Stormkeeper + SoP combo for either Farseer or Stormbringer.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if they nerfed FoL or straight up removed Pwave and Ancestral Swiftness from FoL if not for the fact that I have been able to essentially turn Astral Shift into a 45-second CD and SBT into a 1.5 CD. They wanted to move away from Season 3/4 Meatball spam so I wouldn’t be surprised if they got rid of Bolt Spam.