Where's the Elemental Lightning build, Blizzard?

Then I would suggest we need to stop thinking of the idea of fire and lightning builds, and look to more weaving of all of the elements.

Its what I would prefer at least.


Tell that to enhance please…

Every spec in the game is going to have 2 different builds now because of hero talents. So you’re going to have to get used to there being more than 1 build per spec.

Blizzard just didn’t add any real support for Stormbringer in the revamped ele tree. Bad enough to the point now that in beta the go to lightning build is for farseer.

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Dunno how u can do that with how hero specs are created at least for shaman

and yeah makes no sense that farseer lightning > stormbringer lightning…

elemental and enhanced to an exent , are divided in half , lightning and fire…(weaver too )

tons of ppl like the division , some prefer weaver because thats the “true” shaman…

i for one prefer lightning since is more cool and more “rare” , there are tons of fire based specs on other classes. On raids half the ppl are using “fire” , mages ,locks, DH , even paladins kinda look like “fire”

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I mean, is it a bad thing? If there was “fire build” that worked with Stormbringer, would that be a bad thing?

Yes? The lack of any proper lightning build to go with the lightning hero talents seems like a pretty big design failure to me.


Why does there need to be a lightning only build though? If it performs well and the gameplay is fun, does it really matter what color the particle effects are coming out? I’d say that Stormbring does serve its purpose in that it focuses on your lighting abilities…albiet in a bad way.

Well, that’s the major point of the thread: It’s not fun because it’s just a bunch of passive buffs to LB and leaves the rotation feeling empty and repetitive.


But thats less to do with it being a lighting build and more so to do with it being a bad hero talent set. Just like how its less about Enahnce Elementalist being bad and more so Totemic being bad itself. If a build works with a hero talent set who cares really? I think Farseer’s “Lighting Build”/Elementalist build is pretty neat and feels way the hell healthier for the game than Season 3/4 Fire Builds and Stormbringer Lighting Build.

for me it matters A LOT , i wouldnt be playing shaman if it wasnt because i can play lightning build or use lightning spells , it what makes me want to play shaman in the first place.

particle effects (pixels) live matters :stuck_out_tongue:



If I wanted to spam fire I’d go play fire mage.


If this was Season 3/4, then I’d say your statements holds weight, but the Farseer Fire build prior to the Nerfs was NOTHING compared to how it played in that Seasons. And the “Id JuSt PlAy FiRe mAgE” take is very hyperbolic since they don’t play the same way nor is the utility of those classes are remotely the same.

My question is whats wrong with Farseer Lighting build which I’m gonna call it Farseer Elementalist because that’s more so what its like if anything.

I view Ele players wanting a build where they cast nothing but lighting bolt to be the same as Enhance players wishing they only had to hit Stormstirke and nothing else.


Thats not true, if anyone is to blame , its blizzard , not the player base we dont design talents spells , rotations , and spec mechanics…we just play the game and give feedback

I just want lightning build to be competitive enough to be brought to raids/m+ / pvp (i dont care about pvp tho) and if the gameplay is fun even better!


Thats quite literally the case as it seems. Stormbringer “Lighting Build” for M+ and Farseer “Lighting” for Raid.

I think a lot of you just want to spam Lightning Bolt. Because quite literally, based on current tuning on Beta, you’ll be running Storm Elemental, Stormkeeper, and Lighting Rod in both forms of content. You’re just also going to play Pwave and Splintered Elements on top of it (and LMT in M+).

You can say “its not a real lighting build because lava burst” and sure. I still think it’s 100% a better build design than “aylmao lighting wizard,” which is not my viewpoint of the Shaman. It’s “Storm, Earth, and Fire heed my call,” and both these builds and even the previous Farseer Fire Build play that theme well.

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That’s not what I want. What? The whole point of this thread is that the lightning/stormbringer build is bad because it’s nothing but lightning bolt because Blizzard didn’t actually make new lightning spells.


Do they need to? Because the moment you throw in Pwave and Splintered Elements, Stormbringer makes more sense. Turns out that making a spec that is based on utilizing multiple Elements only turbo focus on one element makes for really bad gameplay that only works with Tier Sets.

I think that, with how things are, both Hero Talents look good. Still, work needs to be done with them, but I think wanting to be a lighting-only wizard only sets the class back. Already Ele is back to blasting in keys again playing Stormbringer.

Yes. They promised us a lightning build and did not deliver it. A single lightning spell for ST and a single lightning spell for AoE is not a lightning build.


Quite literally, you’re playing 3 different lighting builds on beta, 2 of which are played with Stormbringer. Fire builds got shot in the back in the head with this last update. IDK where you’re coming up with this idea that there isn’t a lighting build. Unless you have the idea that just because you might take Pwave, it suddenly does not make it a Lightning Build?

there is some lightning builds thats right

but the point of the thread is that the builds arent ENGAGING - FUN enough , farseer is mostly passive stuff , Stormbringer adds a new lightning skill , but it breaks the rotation because for some reason it still on LB button instead of Lava burst or its own button ,it has a talent option to choose from AOE or ST (Arc and Storm Swell) , it repeating old mistakes .

EQ is still physical dmg , the question is why? (mastery still boost physical tho)

i think the fire nerfs were unnecessary , this isnt lightning shamans vs fire shamans

its shaman vs blizz design


Im fine with this build. No crappy echoes of the great sundering. No icefury and I get to use Earth Shock. Only thing that sucks is prim wave but this makes me want to play shaman again. teeehee