Where's Ardenweald's Winter?

Seriously they haven’t done a good snow map in awhile. Which is a shame since I think Winterspring and Dun Morogh are some of the best looking OG zones.


I once RP’d a druid who loved the desert ecosystem. He liked nothing more than to wander around Tanaris tending to oases and baby scorpids. I wish we saw more biomes getting love from druids.

I remember being irked by Lor’danel in Darkshore when Cata launched. Previously, in Auberdine, the regions’ darker, more grey flora was present throughout the town. As it should be, since that’s how nature is in Darkshore. But then in the new town of Lor’danel, as soon as you step in the color palette switches to the bright greens and purples of Teldrassil. I LOVE Teldrassil, but it was completely out of place and inappropriate for a town in Darkshore.


Back to your garrison!

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And this is exactly why Malfurion needs to invade The Maw at some point during this expansion

I don’t like it there, it’s very lonely and cold!

I know you jest, but the druids already learnt that lesson in the Barrens. But Blizzard ofcourse forgets its own work.

The advantage however is that you can make snow angel elves to your heart’s content.

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Aren’t those gaudy lights more of a goblin thing?

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That’s when you decorate your entire house with them.

When you just decorate the tree house with them, it’s okay. I asked the Winter Queen and she sighed with exasperation, but never said I couldn’t which means she’s on board.

But did they though? Did they really learn their lesson?

Ardenweald would have made more sense if it were a snowy forest theme instead of a glowing magic forest. It would have fit in better with the “Winter Queen” title for its leader and for its purpose of being the place where nature spirits hibernate until it’s time to return to the land of the living.

Blizzard likes their glowing magic forests though.


