Sounds a lot like every single night elf with the exception of Jerod.
Honestly, was always confused why they fed into the “Thrall + Jaina” jokes for so long, only to pull a random Orc completely out of nowhere who refuses to call him Thrall (which, there was a legitimate reason he chose that name instead of something traditionally Orcish).
They tried doing way too much with Thrall that was completely different, way too quickly. Within the span of 3.3 to 4.0, Thrall went from the Warchief to a guy titled the “World Shaman” going by Go’el with his new wife in the Maelstrom.
I’d say Maeiv has a pretty strong character, or did. She hasn’t really done much for a while.
And I’d say, in my opinion, Maiev ain’t anything but an angry police woman.
Where’s Thrall? Let’s begin a Great Thrall Search!
checks the land of The Gobbling Gluttons
checks the land of The Battling Monks
checks the land of The Carpet Fliers
checks the land of The Great Ball-Game Players
checks the land of The Ferocious Red Dwarves
Damn, it really is hard to find him!
Jaina isn’t around. So her side-kick isn’t around.
I was too tired to argue when I first read this incredibly incorrect statement. I still am. But letting it sit unchallenged lets people think you’re right when you’re oh so very not.
Throws axe at goddess and wastes time in literal hell looking for another axe while tossing all other weapons aside?
Wastes like five expansions doubting himself and being unable to do anything but swing an axe because of it?
Kosh’Harg: how can I do the shaman stuff if I’m also doing the ri–
Drek’thar: you ain’t anything, shut up, you don’t matter, your wife is the new farseer.
But even trying to be as reductionist as much as you have that’s still a character. It carries with it motivation, potential conflict with other characters and the possibilty of development. Maeiv throughout WC3, and occasionally in WoW, very much had her own goals, flaws, quirks and actively drove the plot forward through her actions. She wasn’t particularly complex but she was a character, enough to differentiate her from other Night Elves like Tyrande, Shandris or Malfurion.
I can’t say the same for Aggra. The only thing that differentiates her from any other generic orc shaman is that she’s with Thrall.
A mother is as much s character as an angry police woman is.
Aggra doesn’t get any development on her being a mother though. Her being a mother does not move the plot further, nor does it drive much of any story at all. In fact her being a mother is more about her connection to another character than her own.
Her being a mother is only important at all because she’s the mother to Thrall’s children, not because her character is some sort of story about motherhood. Her being a mother isn’t a character trait of hers insomuch as it is a status. You could remove her being a mother entirely and it would not change her character, because she doesn’t have one.
You could not just change Maeiv from being an angry police woman archetype, because then she wouldn’t be Maeiv.
Does Maiev have any development on being an angry police woman?
Outside of Angry woman go burr, and once tried to setup the murder of the kaldorei magi as a accident? Nothing really stands out.
I think Maiev has shown some love to her kid brother, and that might be one of her weak spots. That is some characterization that almost softens her. He helps buttress and contrast her.
Not to say her characterization is tied to men ( Illidan, Jarod, her shando in wc3). There may be a bit of bitterness in her that she was passed over for Tyrande.
Angry Police Woman might be the most fun part about her, but I think Blizzard has given her some motivations and characterization.
Aggra…. not so much. She is a newer character, and she is already lame when compared to Garona or Geyarah or Draka or Zaela. It certainly isn’t that the Orcs lack interesting female characters. Aggra barely stacks up in that sort of pantheon, and she would have a hard time even trying.
I don’t rule her out for future progression, but at the moment, she is pretty much just some broad saddled to Thrall to make dad jokes and jokes about his wife being his better half.
Is jerod counts for Maiev, Thrall and her children count for aggra.
Jarod has led the kaldorei resistance, and helped foil Maiev’s plans to kill Malfurion. He has a deep history with the kaldorei and his sister. Time gave them characterization. And that relationship is a part of Maiev’s story.
Aggra is newer and just has little time for development. That is just a fact. It can come, in time
Odd to pretend that just having a relationship means she has characterization. Maiev and Jarod have had words over thousands of years. Aggra just showed up, popped out some kids, and is Thrall’s better half.
Jerod doesn’t have deep anything.
Especially not when compared against Thrall.
Are you suggesting simply being slapped on to Thrall means she has characterization? As if he is so grand, any vacant vessel could marry him and spawn his offspring, and that vessel would have characterization by default?
That is the opposite of characterization. That is basically just being defined by the relationship.
Meanwhile, Jarod and Maiev have come into conflict because of their different points of view (whether Malfurion should live), while dealing with their relationship as siblings. That isn’t just being related - that shows how they struggle with their conflicting senses of duty as well as their love for each other as siblings.
You stated that slapping jerod on Maiev was characterization. What’s good for the Maiev is good for the Aggra.
Of course you are lying when proven wrong, since I never said that.
Maiev has added characterization through a fully developed character in Jarod. They are characters with development that have a relationship that bolsters each other. They have even come in conflict.
In contrast, you think Aggra has characterization just by virtue of being Thrall’s main squeeze. With no actual characterization of her own.
Jarod wasn’t merely slapped on with no story of his own. He has a story that goes back from the War of the Ancients, where he rose through the ranks in a time of crisis. He led the kaldorei resistance. Later, he had a wife who died because the Night Elves lost their immortality. He then came in conflict with his sister over Malfurion.
Jarod enhances Maiev’s Angry Cop personality by giving her dimension and softening it. They are both characters with development.
Aggra is Thrall’s chippette. Her history as a character is purely entwined in being his main squeeze. Nothing more.
Heck, even the chippetes have more characterization than Aggra.
As I said, it is just a matter of time and development. Not sure why you pretend otherwise.