Where is the horde (spoilers)

I suppose because the only Alliance mages who are ever allowed to do anything are humans.

Yeah, that helps a bit. But still.

I guess it’s a step up from muffins, since at least plushies don’t go stale.


People have said this repeatedly but honestly they seem way more Troll like. They have tusks, fur and turn into bats which is the default Darkspear Druid flight form.

If I didn’t know they were supposed to be their own distinct new thing I’d assume they were Dark Trolls who went unaffected by the Well of Eternity what with being subterranean.


LFD and Zandalari really seem to have largely eclipsed their core race version as minor NPCs.

Also the Harronir are a player Rohrschach test.


I do hope there will be a lot more Blood elf and Arathi interaction in the near future - that’s an angle that’s just screaming to be explored.

I’d love a scene where a Blood Mage (particularly if it’s Rommath) gets to show off their fire magic in front of some suitably impressed Arathi. (Maybe that sort of show can get the blood elves/Horde some converts once we inevitably end up fighting on this new Arathi empire’s continent.)


Forgot about the draenei at the jc bench in dornogal, but other than that I’m not seeing draenei rotate into the horde/alliance npc spots in the city.

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Except they don’t worship loa, use magic like your standard night elf druid and worship elune. So yes in appearance they look closer to trolls but in practice they are just furry elves and a stand in for the cenarion circle.

When did Elune or Loa come up during any of their like 4 quests?


They don’t worship elune, also trolls have said to use Druid/nature magic

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I’m personally just glad they represented the forsaken with warlocks and not priests, would hate to see them be represented by light wielders just because 2 light wielding priests got bolted on to the race

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I do hope for the Forsaken aesthetic they either remove Calia from the faction or kill her off and stop forcing her on them. Let the forsaken actually keep the race fantasy players originally enjoyed.

They basically worship the world tree roots which was planted by Elune so its not a stretch.

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That’s assuming it is the World Tree and not G’Hanir the Mother Tree.

Remember Elun’Ahir was reduced to a Crater and Il’gynoth(who was a World Tree until he went to Ny’alotha and took a Nathrezim-esque form) was found in Un’Goro Crater’s Emerald Dream counterpart just like an intact Andrassil was found in Grizzly Hills’ Emerald Dream counterpart.

Yes that means The Maw of Gor’ma in Ny’alotha is Elun’Ahir’s roots. Yes that means the Forge of Origination reduced N’Zoth to a corpse and reset Il’gynoth to his Emerald Dream counterpart!

Il’gynoth recognizing us as a familiar presence is possibly due to our past selves walking atop his stump at Ny’alotha which was later torn down to create Un’Goro Crater!

Such irony: N’Zoth was forced to make Il’gynoth adhere to the Emerald Dream’s design by the Forge of Origination even though it killed him!

Regardless. Il’gynoth still has a notable chance of being Elun’Ahir which leaves the roots we see in Khaz Algar with a chance of being from G’Hanir the Mother Tree.

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its all world tree adjacent therefore elune adjacent which links it more to the Night elves than trolls who have nothing to do with world trees.


Elune doesn’t have anything to do with the creation of any world trees.

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Monks are the easiest class for me to be a jerk to.


According to one ancient myth, Azeroth’s first World Tree was Elun’Ahir, planted by the titan Eonar during the war between the titans and the Old Gods in order to spread Life’s influence. Like the later World Trees, Elun’Ahir originated from a branch of the Mother Tree G’Hanir, gifted to Eonar by the goddess Elune. Elun’Ahir was short-lived, as Aman’Thul tore it from the earth shortly after its planting. However, if the tale is to be believed, its roots still endure in an unknown location under the protection of mysterious guardians.[3]
^ [The Legend of Elun’Ahir]

Amirdrassil, meaning “Crown of Harmony”,[13] was grown from a seed formed by the Winter Queen and Elune, and planted by Tyrande Whisperwind in the Ancient Bough.[14]
^ Ancient Bough - “Stay a while and listen.”


Even then we know that some Zandalari trolls may worship Elune. But they are considered heretics my most Zandalari. It is heavily implied that they do.

We prefer de groves of nature to de cold stone of de city. Many of de Zandalari believe us to be heretics. Dey claim our matron is no loa.

Dey are welcome to their opinions. We of de Lun’alai have long possessed de gifts of nature, to take de forms of the wild. Ours is de way of balance, not bargains.


I mean they use the Zandalari balance druid model, their group is named after the moon and their God is referred to as a “matron”. It should be obvious that Blizzard does intend for these Zandalari to be Elune worshipers.

So anyone saying that Elune worship is evidence that the Haranir are not related to trolls because “they worship elune” is a false argument. Even if Elune or Loa worship was referenced in the Haranir questlines we have atm.


Yeah, I don’t really think it happened that way given how much it conflicts with other sources.

Such as?

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That Chronicle outlines Freya’s involvement with The Emerald Dream and Wild Gods while the Titans were still observing, this involving life magic. Freya’s creation of G’Hanir described in the Tome of the Ancients, both using life magic and not really making sense how Elune is gifting a branch of a tree Eonar’s own keeper made thats still around. Eonar’s obvious continuation of using life magic and no other indication of Aman’thul’s supposed dislike of life magic when the Titans go out of their way to help create natural life and wild gods on Azeroth.

I mean even the myth says “As is common with ancient myths, details of this tale are oft disputed.”.

I just want them to be trolls so bad. Like the trolls at large are in dire need of something cool after the alliance totally steamrolled the Zandalari.