Where is the horde (spoilers)

I barely see any Nightborne in the new expansion whatsoever in comparison to say — The Alliance. :joy:

  • That being said I don’t recall seeing any main Nightborne characters yet, or let alone even a notable Nightborne side-quest character :thinking:
  • I HAVE however, seen: Trolls, Orcs and Undead in side quests though :person_shrugging: Particularly in Azj-Kahet (RIP Albert Henson :pensive: ).

Sooo, now that you mention it – We could probably use some more Nightborne love in the story :sweat_smile: lol


Were there any draenei beyond our persistent fisher?

I admit, I haven’t done everything but I remember them being rather absent.

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I only saw our fav fisher gal from Azure Span. That was it. And I did look for them.

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She’s lightforged though, isn’t she?

Apart from her, the lightforged show up with all their crystal tech in the max campaign. A little show boaty imo for a supposedly tenuous armistice, given I don’t think any other allied races got to bring anything notable to that part.

(They couldn’t even label some of the highmountain tauren correctly in that part.)

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In the final battle you mean? Because I didn’t see them anywhere else during the max lvl campaign.

Yes, and on the beach for the training quests. I’ll have to check around outside of those instances.

This problem has been going on for a while.

The last few expansions have had a major elf focus, especially the kaldorei.

We got a cool sidequest for 5 minutes with baine during DF, but the rest was livin’ it up in the trees with the good ol’ purple elves.

I can’t wait to zug it up in Silvermoon during midnight.

It’s just elves, elves and more elves, man. And now we get a neat side dish of dwarves between main courses.

Sometimes I wander around on classic to try to recapture that horde spirit. Our vibe is so dead on retail it’s not even funny anymore.


The killing of the faction conflict was the nail in the coffin for the horde. Blizzard writers have no passion for the Horde faction and basically only have them in the game for token appearances, all their involvement could be replaced by an alliance character, they aren’t really bringing anything to the story.

Even midnight will feel more alliance focused with highelves. void elves, Night elves. Elune/light focus. Blood elves history and aesthetic are more closely tied to the Alliance than the current horde. Even Haronir are essentially more proto night elves than anything associated with trolls.

The game has simply been boiled down to being either you stand with the morally right characters like Anduin and Jaina(and whatever the writers believes is morally correct stance) or you are the enemy of us players. The story has now been sanitized to be safe for modern audiences.


Look, I’m just happy that this expac we get dwarves to go with the elves, humans and an occasional smattering of orcs that is the usual.

Of course, we also got an entire culture of human elf hybrids that certainly won’t be annoying us all with their relevance for years to come.

Yeah, the only time they remember ARs exist is when they want to rub in that Nightborne are the new magic experts in the Horde, not BEs. (Grumble.)

I don’t consider them stealing the Blood Elves’ magical thunder to be better than generic elven rangers, frankly. It feels like you never see Blood Elf mage NPCs anymore.


I told everyone years ago Blizzard hates the Horde with passion. TWW just confirms it.

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I always find it weird that Draenei never show up as mages in battles given magic is… sort of their thing. The Light (and Lightforged) suck up all the oxygen for them. I was pleasantly surprised they remembered Vigilants exist as a thing in TWW at least.


When it comes to footsoldiers draenei are generally either paladins or shaman. And that is just simply because Blizzard has to spend the mage slot to other races like night elf or worgen.

Which again is even weirder given neither are well known for their mages. If anything night elves should have priesesses out, Worgen hunters/engineers, and Draenei mages.


This may have been stated already, but my big question given the circumstances of a lack of Horde presence, why would the Arathi be even remotely friendly to the Horde? Despite Anduin coming with your Horde chatacter, they should have at least been suspicious or unfriendly, imo.

Does anyone else feel this way?

These arathi aren’t the ones from the highlands. They don’t know the horde or the warcrimes they committed


So my knowledge of the lore is pretty dated. I am lifelong member of the Horde and I dealth with Garrosh’s BS, but when they killed Vol’Jin and handed the Horde to Silvanus I had to step away.

Are the Arathi, then, a third human kingdom? Obviously there are the Stormwind humans, the fallen Lorderon humans and their Kul Tiran remnants, and now the Arathi, correct?

These Arathi are a separate half elven kingdom. Their empire is somewhere on an island beyond the storming seas. A bunch of humans and high elves left after the troll wars when they all recieved the same vision of the light. They eventually formed their own kingdom and their emperors are known for their prophetic visions, which the arathi either help to make true or prevent said vision from coming true


So this is what I have notice when it comes to any big battle set pieces(battle for Lordaeron, Battle for the Broken Shore, The Galakras encounter, battle for Karabor, Battle against the Nerubians, battles in Krasarang).

Footman=universally human but when Genn is around(like Broken Shore) we see worgen/gilneas ones and sometimes night elf sentinels/dwarven warriors
Hunter= dwarves full stop,sometimes they have night elf archer helping and if there are gnomes, usually they are hunters as well
Priest=this is probably the more diverse with humans, night elves, draenei taking the field
Paladins=humans sometimes but mostly draenei
Shaman=no question draenei
Mages=Battle for Karabor I saw night elf mages, the one on Battle for Broken Shore was worgen, seems like its relatively diverse

At least the Nightborne mages present in that instance are chronomancers, which is specifically Suramar’s area of expertise thanks to their opportunities to study the Eye of Aman’thul, rather than generic arcane mages. I don’t mind the Shal’dorei being the experts over the Sin’dorei when it comes to chronomancy or telemancy (since Oculeth is ancient and that’s his particular interest), but I agree about overshadowing Sin’dorei in magic use generally.

There are plenty of Sunreaver mages all over Dornogal, though they disappointingly haven’t been as active in the action as I would like. Aethas is around somewhere and should be doing more than giving me world quests to save plushies. I am glad that Liadrin and the Blood Knights haven’t been entirely forgotten, and that Liadrin gets to have a bit of scholarly chat about the Light in Mereldar.

I do like that Worgen hunters/rogues (not sure exactly which class they’d be) are very present in Dornogal and the beach reinforcements. They’re labeled as “Gilnean Trackers”, they’re all very dapper, and some of them are even hanging out in human form.