Where is the horde (spoilers)

No that kind of makes sense. You sometimes give off the same borderline cynical vibe a long time stage magician does when they watch someone else do a magic trick. I imagine when you are that side of the sales pitch, it is hard to not see it.


It’s less to do with what a tribe actually is, and more to do with what groups in WoW are usually referred to as tribes. have elves been or even still are in tribes? Absolutely. I don’t think they’ve ever been referred to as having a tribe within the game or the lore until Metzen referred to them as the “elven tribes” though. That’s why it rings weird and everyone is thinking there’s something more to it.

Calm down son, it’s just a video game.


Yes, but PvP is an option in said-video game. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Honestly, make the next patch undermine

Well I did see Blood Elves made a return like Aethas and Liadrin fighting against the nerubians was pretty cool but was disappointed in not seeing Baine, Rokhan, Rexxar, Nightborne characters, and more.

It’s great start to see alot of alliance characters we haven’t seen in a long time but would like to see the same treatment for the horde.


Blizzard hates the Horde we all know this.

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I thought Blizzard hated the Alliance since 2018.

Last time the alliance was left out was in Cataclysm. After that it went downhill for the red team.


ARs other than void elves (and really it’s just Alleria) have been weirdly absent given that the DF expedition was heavy on ARs

Yeah, the Alliance wins the fourth war in sum complete totality and that makes you think that Blizzard hates them.



There’s some Nightborne mages present in the final chapter of the max level campaign, and Arluelle makes a small appearance in Azj-Kahet. It’s not much, but they at least aren’t completely forgotten.


I mean, no one has ever kept me out of Silvermoon when I really want to visit.

Temporarily inconvenienced, sure, but stopping a determined druid from getting places is a no go.

I’m half tempted to go to Silvermoon right now on one of my filthy Alliance characters and put my grubby mitts all over the throw pillows.

Slightly on topic, but I’m equal parts charmed and annoyed by how fast the Nightborne have become CORE HORDE. I suppose that’s the power of elves for you.


I mean you could say that about anything really. :person_shrugging:

  • “No one has ever kept my orc from entering Stormwind when I really wanted to visit.”
  • “Temporarily inconvenienced, sure, but stopping a determined rogue from getting places is a no go.”

By that logic though, no where really has off-limit boundaries lol

I haven’t really noticed that at all.

  • Honestly I don’t think I’ve really seen much Nightborne content … Not to mention, despite the Horde having “the power of elves” — Jaina Proudmoore still uses them as a toilet, when comparing strength & technique of magics.

Jaina trumping on both Nightborne and Blood Elves is rather embarrassing for the Horde honestly, who are supposed to have two of the most masterful magi races + kingdoms in Azeroth …

Plus yeah, elves are interesting. :person_shrugging:

Would love to say the same about orcs but WoD butchered that when they made them pushover scum to be washed clean with relative ease.

Tauren are also pretty darn boring.

Trolls still hold some intrigue at least, so I wouldn’t mind seeing more of them.
The Forsaken are shared between Horde and the Alliance, so they’re hardly a Horde exclusive.


Oh, I’ve absolutely visited Stormwind on my orc death knight and company a few times. I am a bifactional minor nuisance.

The main challenge to Silvermoon is the whole no flying deal… so if anything, it will likely be easier in Midnight to plant little blue flags all over Erevein’s stuff.

The Nightborne thing is mostly about how relatively ubiquitous they seem to be in new content as opposed to… like one Darkspear here and there.


At least they’re generic magicians of some sort. The ones that turn up in the big battle with the Nerubians are called chronomancers iirc, and Suramar scholars are also wandering around Dornogal. Which isn’t much but at least they’re not more generic elven rangers.


Is that a challenge? I’ve been waiting for a reason to go back :innocent:


I will lick the three pixel hookahs. I might have to corpse run, get creative with ports, use consumables, and so on, but I do have a punchy monk and a positive attitude!

I usually don’t do world pvp these days (honestly, sharding took the joy out of it for me), but I can find a reason.


And I got a spiteful deader who is done with the world. Sounds like a date!


alliance can do undead too even tho the horde dark rangers should still hold the majority.

I mean, I’m pretty sure there’s still more undead (elves and otherwise) on the Horde side.

Customization notwithstanding.

Dark Ranger look for death knights please and thank you.

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