Where is the horde (spoilers)

I don’t completely disagree with this, i.e: disbalance of Alliance Elf groups (Kal/Ren/Quel v Sin/Shal), but I would like to point out that (as far as I am aware of) the San’layn only ever attempted to join the Horde during BFA with Blood Prince Dreven, who the Alliance killed before such could be fully realized.

Historically Darfallen was canonically synonymous with Sanlyan since Wrath, ie was understood as a translation from Thalassian to common, until Golden in her infinite wisdom did extremely stupid things in her equally stupid Sylvanas novel


I wouldnt blame it solely on Golden, it wouldve needed to be approved by the story team.

But in general, I like that we have a collective term for them now- I feel like it was needed. Just a term for the undead elves like we do the rest of the subtypes.

Speaking of

I think we can expect more with the Horde Darkfallen compared to Delaryn snd her kin. We dont even know if the Kaldorei will be involved, it could just be Thalassian variants.

They are going to have to “revisit” some elf off-shoots to make this elf reunification feel good as horde content.

Maybe they could revisit Fel Blood, San’layn, Wretched and maybe some remnants of Lady Vashj’s Naga.


I love the fact that you spend the entire expansion’s leveling storyline helping a bunch of Alliance/Alliance-adjacent characters go through epic character arcs spanning multiple zones with a bunch of super dramatic set pieces, and then your introduction to the single Horde character who shows up is pulling him out of a literal pile of trash in the final zone. The contrast is so comically vast that I would almost think it was intentional.


My bet is that this hinges on how the harronir are developed and what npcs are involved. I don’t think we’ve seen any night elves have hidden dialogue the way they’ve given Rata, Liadrin, Dezco, and Salandria. Though that could change, and Delas could have some dialogue somewhere since we know she was part of the fleet.

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I told people since BFA Blizzard hates the Horde and gives us less stuff on purpose yet no one listened to me.


I mean it was not a morally upstanding thing when Malfurion did it either. But killing someone with roots and making what amounts to a person farm for the zombies is… two different degrees of “that’s just messed up”.

Honestly I always think this was a terrible move to make, because it ultimately feels like the Alliance have the Forsaken to an extent, in a sense. :face_exhaling:

Honestly it’s probably going even more now if we’re being honest.

Like I’m pretty sure they’re going to do that :point_up_2: for the justification & bulk pillar towards their whole “unification of the elves” storyline. lol


High key

This is like, my biggest cope tinfoil hat fever dream

It is weird that Metzen said “Elven Tribes”

Like that’s quite the fauxpas, quite the mistake in terms, nobody calls elves tribes, especially from the father of the whole franchise musing over the 20 year anniversary trilogy of expansions

Perhaps, just maybe, he meant to say “Troll Tribes” but his brain fumbled given it’s also Elf Land Revamp expansion


I’d certainly opt in for that instead given the choice. “Elf unification” runs a high risk of disaster for the blood elves specifically and the Horde as a consequence if the pending neutralization of Quel’Thalas takes the form every BE player is dreading.


:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: Fingers crossed :joy:

Man it’d be cool for the troll race on the Horde to get more heritage mogs, customisations and tabards — Reflecting you could be a race of troll in the Horde from a variety of tribes other than just the Darkspear :partying_face:

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I agree, but it’s certainly weird reconciling any time spent with Malfurion as a Horde character after watching him mulch that orc.


She didn’t have those lines on blood elves, afair

Not only is it extremely cope but it’s clinging to a definition of tribe that’s frankly a bit retrograde when all a tribe is is a group of people within a broad culture. It does not and never has meant a specific culture. Hell, it can basically be synonymous with nation (as is often done colloquially by some ethnic groups irl who are not what this playerbase would consider “tribal”)


This is probably a surprise to everyone, but I used to be the Hype Man :tm: at the RPG I used to work for. One of the means I used to keep interest engaged was to use colorful phrasing to spark the imagination. Metzen’s use of “Unifying the Elven tribes” is absolutely something I would have used, not because they’re tribes, but because it’s just a different synonym for groups of people.

Which isn’t to say that’s what Metzen absolutely did, but could be what he did.


It’s like “who burnedTeldrassil”. They used it to keep us guessing. When all along it was just another villain bat.


Many blood elf fans dread what Midnight might bring. Blizzard sidelided them before back in TCB. Even on their own homeland.


I wouldn’t ever refer to a group of elves as a tribe, I think of trolls when I think of tribes. Maybe it’s supposed to be some hint at trolls being involved, coming to some kind of new understanding with their distant relatives. They’ve just introduced Harronir who blur the line between troll and elf, wouldn’t surprise me if they’re seeing how people take too a light meld of troll and elf themes/aesthetics.

Some emphasis of trolls and elves being forced to work together come Midnight sounds more interesting of a story then just the elf “tribes” uniting. More then just how do the Blood/Night/Void/High Elves get along, throw in some Darkspear, Amani, and Zandalari as well.


If I see any alliance folks trying to enter Silvermoon I will kill them all.

The city of Rome had tribes. I really fail to see how this specifically gets people stuck on it, especially some of the people on this board I would least expect to fall back to bad anthropology conceptions of what is a tribe.