Grammatically speaking, the plural for octopus is octopuses . As the Merriam-Webster dictionary points out, people use three different terms, however: octopi, octopuses, and octopodes. While “octopi” has become popular in modern usage, it’s wrong.
Britannica disagrees. octopus /ˈɑːktəˌpʊs/ noun
plural octopuses or octopi /-ˌpaɪ/ /ˈɑːktəˌpaɪ/
Britannica Dictionary definition of OCTOPUS
[count] : a sea animal that has a soft body and eight long arms
[noncount] : the flesh of an octopus used as food
Guys it’s a giant fossilized ammonite.
And I’m sad we lost it too. I love the old god stuff. Or I did when it was distant and mysterious.
octopus’s make great eating.
{Nods} I see the confusion. Common thing with that subject particularly.
Alternate Timeline, that was the Dragon Isles where Murlocs are the prime race of the world.
When was N’Zoth first introduced as a name/concept for an Old God in WoW?
How has the lore about the number of different Old Gods in the world evolved over time? Was there originally a plan early on for a finite number of them? Or were cosmic horrors just being added as needed with names coming later?
Octopi don’t have bones.