Where is Harrison Jones?

Same way herbing/mining and most crafting is being removed next expac. It is easily replaceable by npc vendors and an activity no one really does.

Harrison Jones is just way too much of a blatant expy to be a relevant NPC.

References are fun and all, but having a relevant character that keeps showing up in the narrative be just a copy of a pop culture character, is kinda cheap.

I miss ‘missions’ and mission tables… and Leroy Jenkins! awesome Croman! … where are they? am I missing something or have they been ‘fired’ like much of our world workers are right now. OMG… I just realized the commonality between both these …what am I supposed to call them now? Sis’s? I forgot I am sorry …

He’s sitting in his retirement home in your garrison

I still love my Garrison! So what. Such fun questing ideas. Obviously you missed them.


I like my garrison too. I’m always hanging out in mine tbh

I feel safe there. I don’t pay much attention to the quests in the garrison tho, you have a point

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where is Harrison Ford! is what I wanna know.

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I just took my new alt ‘Dracthyr’ thru building the ‘Garrison’ fun side thing,… had to go get Croman and Leroy Jenkins as my followers.
I just think that stuff is fun. I also like having my own ‘Auction house’. I don’t do a whole lot with it… but it’s a fun ‘aside’.

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Oh yeah I really like having the trading post and the auction house too! :blush:

I think I just read he is kind of sad his new movie ‘Indiana Jones’ 5 didn’t fair too well? I haven’t seen it…so…

I didnt even know they made another one lol

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Hmmm. I’m definitely going to need a source on that. :thinking: