Where is Celebrate?

I wear kilts :sunglasses:

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wanders into the thread with his favorite blankie tied around his neck like a cape

Hi! I am Elmer! I am gud Gnomey and I live in my Nelfys pokitt amd wacth adoreabul otter videeos amd eet tast :bear::sandwich: beecuz it mayks my tummy happy! I lyke to give Hordes lotz ov hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES! And thin theey giv me big squooshy Horde hugs bak and it mayks me giggle! HOORAY!

gives Celebrate a tasty :bear::sandwich:

Now yoo kan hav a happy tummy two and bee a happy Azeroth buddypal! Yoo also speel veery gud to!

wanders aimlessly out of the thread humming a wordless, tuneless happy Gnomey song


ur alot goodjob


Can we have you on the community council?

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u say on me is alot nise i like u complemet , make me fel good , i dont no alot on this game i think i can not do a goodjob on it but i say on u ty is nise complemet


this thred goin playces.

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There you are!!

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i gotta go aparenly i can not do plagarasm in a pronjec , how bout mind ur bisness i find a web site it say the thigs i wanna say alot gooder , how come i can not do copy past , it is a scam or ilegal . the web site say esactly the thigs i wanna say they do goodjob so how come i gotta do it all over agin and worser , i say on u let pepole do plagarasm if then wanna .plagarasm is the best save alotta tim for me


I needed that smile. Thank you and never change.

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I agree, don’t let them get to you! Stay fresh Celebrate!

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YAY! We kan bee happy Azeroth buddypalz!!! HOORAY!

shares a tasty :bear::sandwich: with Celebrate

I mayde it frum a very naughty bear that lyed and sayd he wusnt a bear and his naym wuz …um…MALFURRYON! YAY! I re…umm…re…I know itt agin! Becuz Mama Nefly hoo is Tirandy sayd his name wuznt Malfurryon it was Shando! And he sayd he wuznt a bear too! So I smaked him extra hard with my bearstick untyl hee turned intwo tasty :bear::sandwich:!! And know yoo kan hav a happy tummy two! HOORAY!!!


I always found that thing more annoying than endearing


Agree haven’t seen him in some time

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I miss celebrate