My favourite zone since I started playing is Hinterlands, always will be. I don’t really know why, I just like it, it’s pretty, I like trolls. It’s just a good place and I don’t get to see trees so green often enough. Such a pretty place.
I agree…so pretty and peaceful. Plus, who wouldn’t want to get drunk and eat good food with the panda’s?!
Gadgetzan. I love Tanaris. I love the beaches.
Sun’s Reach Harbor (Isle of Quel’Danas
Boralus. Except I really don’t like sea food. So maybe not.
If you start liking it at least you know it would be fresh there LOL
In Quel’Thalas.
the sanctum of light
idc i’ll sleep on the pews
That’s an amazing screenshot red
One day I’ll get ambitious and put a newer skybox over Silvermoon.
Crater of theramore
My Garrison lol
Somewhere away from all other life forms.
Twisting nether… bold
Suramar, probably. I find it aesthetically pleasing. If not there, my second option would be Feralas.
I have a peaceful little home in Ironforge. It’s somewhat tucked in, away from the hustle and bustle. I’d rent the upstairs out (they can get in with a ladder) as I start to have a hard time getting up the steps.