Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

Yes I did know this. I was just pointing out there is at least one case of a group of high elves being “thrown” out of their homes by other High elves.

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calling blood elves as high elves won’t give the alliance what they want, relax.

But the small details (if you’d count what I said my main issue/source of debate is being a small detail) are the only things I’m finding issue with. 2/3s of your post is sound.

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Well ok then.

actually just calling them high elves because blizzard does: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/game/races/blood-elf


Tell me your source for the bloodline thing and I’ll go

I hear catholic priest do exorcisms, sounds like you might need to speak to one.

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Well that may be a bit of “blizzard doesn’t know lore, so gets it off the forums,” and “blizzard isn’t so much ‘for the horde’ as 'screw the alliance.”

I think it was a wiki a while ago, I didn’t mention that before for fun.

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lorthemar did try to invite them back if i remember after the events of tbc inbetween that and wrath but they declined. also if you remember or have done the queldelar questline you will see that even the so called “high elves” were welcomed to the sunwell which is seen to them as a place of reverence its basically a holy place to them so any threats to it is gonna be extreme since they know how it was like without it. this is also why they reacted as they did with the void elves when the sunwell was restored a naaru was fused with it and naaru by default least from what we see from x’era the army of the light naaru they just attack void on sight so them exiling those elves and not killing them is reasonable in their percpective

you tried this in the other thread, Virtue still makes vice uncomfortable. Even a whole hour later after I last said it!

You should try virtue for a change.


Hi how’s it going? I’m not actually even arguing here. I’m just pointing out where Iandore may be getting the exile thing of “High elves” from. if you read the short story I shared it talks about how Lor’themar is only there to invite the elves back. Which they refuse But it is an isolated case of the high elves kicking other high elves out for not feasting on fel. it could be implied that other high elves were kicked out for the same reason but we would have no proof, so merely fan fiction.

he actually doesnt invite them back. the purpose was to inform them of what had happened and he was going to arrange for supplies to be delivered now that quel’thalas was in a much better place with the sunwell restored


alot of lore was messy than remember metzen even made an apology because of all the retcons ( specially draenei) at blizzcon

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you’re right, I strand corrected!

True, and that was back when they didn’t care about the lore as much. (Never been a fan of TBC for the wonky storyline.)

If you used to be called Robert, but changed your name to Sally, would you still be Robert? Would you be okay with me calling you Robert?

No one disputes the fact that Blood Elves used to call themselves High Elves. But you seem to ignore the many sources that show that Blood Elves and High Elves are two distinct groups now. Including Blizzard stating, and I quote: “The blood elves no longer consider themselves high elves, and they have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.”


its the same race. exact same fantasy. no biological difference, nothing. high elves are blood elves


that statmeent is not saying that blood elves are not proud of their highborne ancestory, it’s just saying they view themselves differently from the ideals of the high elf… specifically written to help distinguish blood elf from high elf and generate some contention.

I have always interpreted it based on the context it was given, that the cautious ideals they held as high elves they now despise, blind dedication to the light, holding back, being overly cautious with spell casting, but in particular hte ideals of not touching or handling anything FEl…that they’ve thrown out the water.

it’s like a good guy who has had something horrible happened to him, then decides because of it, it was foolish to be so good, considerate , gracious etc… what the writers are trying to do , is to throw off the Tolkein-esque ideals in the blood elf group, make them a more rough and ready, less idealistic sort of elf, which is what the high elves were.

So, in short, blood elves no longer considering themselves high elves, we ALL know that, it does not mean they don’t consider themselves highborne and does not mean they aren’t very proud of that heritage. they just hate what high elf became because they blame being all prissy goody was what caused their perfect utopia to topple, so it’s more like a society taht’s rebelled against itself. I still feel they consider themselves of high and noble birth, with more common sense than before, and more reality, and are darn proud of their highborne heritage. Nothing about that negates the blizzard statement, and blizzard show in various instances the pride of the highborne in the high elves, in the blood elves and in the Shen’drelar.

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blizzard never said what he cited

plus you literally linked to the racial description on this site

here is the first sentence

For thousands of years, the high elves of Quel’Thalas drew strength from the Sunwell

blizzard did say this too for all of us who played legion