Where do people get their blood elf lore from?

i kinda remember that. yea zelling made it sound like his family would live in poverty without him and wanted voss to make assurances what he was doing would make sure his family would be taken of

even in stormwind, the defias were stiffed by the capitalist class for their labor. the defias did nothing wrong

What is even going on in this thread? I’m so confused.


I dunno, it’s slightly more on topic but it’s still a big slightly.

Crazy cult guy doing crazy cult things.


I read some of the posts aloud to my housemates. They were amused and a little saddened at how much it sounded like a ranting comic book/cartoon villain.

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They had a pact with, I think it was trollbane’s family line only, not with Dalaran. I could be misremembering.

Actually. This is false.

Garithos did not act alone. If it was just Garithos, then he wouldn’t have been permitted to sentence the blood elves to execution without trial for failing to die in the missions intended by Garithos to kill them, and then jail them.

Dalaran was complicit by allowing him use of the Violet hold. In the Dungeons of Dalaran mission in WC3 we see a couple of Dalaran guards remarking on how the elves give him the creeps. Not only is this a sign of Dalarans’ complicity but also a sign that Thalassian elves were not very common in Dalaran if people were creeped out by them.


20? Bah! I’ll give you 50 orc.

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Blood Elves are High Elves, they’re simply dubbed ‘Blood Elves’ to honour their fallen people against Arthas.

A lot of people that claim Blood Elves are namesaked due to the fel, or blood magic or some other silly means, are generally those that have a thing against Blood Elves - and have a hard nonstop erection out for ‘ALLIANCE ONLY ELVES!’ – They ignore the FACT that there’s absolutely no difference physically, culturally or biologically between High Elves and Blood Elves whatsoever - they’re the one and the same people.

The lore of their namesake began with a speech from their prince - despite his … misdirection of loyalties — The people of Quel’Thalas acknowledged and respected the speech that was given; upholding the new name of their people, in honour of the fallen.

"In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!” - Kael’Thas Sunstrider


To paraphrase Terry Pratchett, evil begins with treating people as things, including yourself.

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The line of Arathor.

Lothar is why they honored their pact.

Trollbane wishes.

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Ah yes. That is right. I think that I mix it up because arathor sounds like arathi and trollbane in that zone.

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Arathor and Arathi are technically the same line. The Trollbanes just aren’t part of the bloodline as that one dwindled in time leaving only Anduin Lothar as its sole heir. And of course… hes dead now. And somehow didn’t show up as a major character when we went to the Shadowlands…

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Dude went through a lot. He’s probably in some cushy retirement afterlife.

Feel better buddy?


/Points at the bench with the bar removed.

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You honestly don’t really know what you are talking about, not saying that to be insulting but its fairly apparent.

Min wage is an inflationary factor, tying it to its effect is like increasing the speed of a train as it goes down a hill. It’s not smart and thinking that’s a good way to be more fuel efficient while ignoring all other factors is a recipie for disaster.

Min wage was created by the government. Not to help the common person. The worker. It was created in response to poor colored men getting jobs poor white men wanted because the poor colored men were willing to work for less, as Ling as they got work. A bunch of angry racists came up with minimum wage as a way to force companies to reduce their worker load and force them to only hire a few “educated” (read: white) workers. Since the poor black workers at the time didn’t have the education of the poor white workers due to racist laws, they were effectively priced out of the market in many areas.

And Min wage may not have the racist connotations today but it still prices many people out of work, because a lot of work isn’t worth Min wage in a lot of places.

Which you can then get angry that supposedly the work is worth sooooooopp much, and evil billionaires, qnd all that… but the numbers simply don’t back any of those emotional arguments up.

See, the market, not the company, dictates the value of most goods. People sit on the internet crying quietly how low wages are, how evil corporations are… but then when it’s time to buy something do they shop locally? Do they support local businesses? The statistics show… by a staggering margin… no. They do not. There has been billions over decades spent researching consumer spending habits, and they consistently go with the cheapest option. They shop online, if they can they order direct from foreign manufacturers… they send all their money to foreign companies and manufacturers instead of supporting local businesses, then wonder why none of the local businesses can afford to pay them 100k a year. Economics isn’t magic, these things don’t work both ways.

You either have a high cost of goods, and good local wages… or you have a low cost of goods, and low wages. Most places try hard to balance the two, but you don’t get both high wages and low cost of goods, not across the spectrum.

As for your “there wouldn’t be billionaires” comment… that’s just betrays a lack of understanding on how wealth is created at that level.

Your average Walmart store’s profit margin is roughly 3.2% iirc from their public disclosures. Their average labor costs are roughly 35% of gross.

So if every worker at that store got 100% of the profit, with a Min hourly wage of 7.50, they would see a whopping 70 cent an hour wage… and the first time someone stole something, or a mistake was made the store would be out of buisness.

The Walton family is worth billions not because of the “massive profits they refuse to give to employees”… it’s 3.2%… but because the SCALE of all of those stores and all of those 3.2%'s equals an incredibly large number.

A 50% increase in wages would not simply be absorbed by the store… they would be about 46.8% shy of meeting the law… so they would increase cost of goods by at least 50% to not only pay the wage increase, but also to pay cost of servicr/goods increases on their end.

Which is inflationary. Lol.

dude your talking points are a joke

we dont tie minimum wage to inflation or the poverty line ecause big business lobbies to keep it low. the idea that it would cause a depression or rapid inflation is disproven by the many countries whose minimum wages are living wages

the decline of unions and the lack of regulated increases have stagnated and even decreased(accounting for inflation) the average workers wages since the 70s

the only reason the govt doesnt create and maintain a minimum wage that doesnt starve people is basically because it isnt politically popular to do so in a system where corporations fund politicians lmao

the free market isnt ‘free’ its regulated and right now its regulated in favor of corporations, not the workers, and corporations dont want to pay more to workers

your side always fear monger with ‘inflation’ but they raise prices all the time no matter what

we already have states that have implemented a minimum $15 wage. nothing went up no fast foods or walmarts closed up either. that paying workers more will lead to inflation has already been proven false. whats happening now is as i have told you, pursuit of fatter profit margins in an environment where corporate media is gaslighting the people so they just expect everything to go up and theres no push back

in 2009 the wealthiest american had 40 billion
average income was $54,283
minimum wage $7.25

in 2022 wealthiest american is worth 265 billion
average income is $53,490
minimum wage $7.25

you brought up walmart, their employees are so poor your paying their welfare benefits. lmao thats what you are fighting for. and they arent the only corporation offloading their payroll costs onto taxpayers!


“Blood Elves were introduced for multiple reasons. Aesthetic diversity was one. Eastern Kingdom’s horde bases was another. Thematic connection to the expansion was as well.”

There is the quote. Doesn’t really back up your theory.

I’m going to need credible sources on all of this.


The surviving members of Garithos resistance after he works with a literal dreadlord and Sylvanas go on to form the Scarlet Crusade