Where do lightforged and Draenei paladins fit in the lore

So paladins were an order created by alonsus faol. How are we to look then at dranei paladins ?they weren’t there for the creation of the order so how can they pretend to be paladins, aren’t they something else than a Paladin ?

Turalyon taught the Lightforged.


Right I forgot about him, I’m reading the books and not there yet

Wisskee looks like the older version of Urbain

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Who the hell is that

They’re Vindicators- essentially a racial class that intersects in skills with what humans call Paladins and tauren call Sunwalkers.

So they aren’t “Paladins” but there isn’t enough of a lore difference to justify making them separate classes in-game.


Oh… right , I need to pay attention more

The guy who commented on your post - his toon looks like an older version of your toon

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We humans all look alike

I feel like using the Light to hit people is an idea that might occur to multiple cultures in a universe where the Light is a tangible force.

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Yikes! Totally!

Good response, what I was gonna say too. Would be a bit complicated to have different versions of the same thing, essentially.

However, what I was going to also suggest was maybe a race title for your class? Like Draenai would get a “Vindicator” title, Taurens could get a “Sunwalker” title, and so on.

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Draenei are a terrible retcon brought about in Burning Crusade. They took the game’s biggest villains and made them into lawful good, demon alien squidgoats with hooves and frog legs.

Do not concern yourself with their horrendously awful lore nor ridiculously comical anatomy. It matters not. Legion is over and they’ll never be mentioned again, thankfully.


I’m pretty sure Draenei as a whole were created by a partially-deaf developer that heard someone talking about Space Ghost.

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Well I’m trying to decide between a human and a dranei paladin and it’s good to know where they fit into the lore

That would be super cool

Everybody and their brother has a human paladin, be a rebel and make a dwarfadin.

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I don’t really like how gear looks on dwarfs

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But you could make a lady dark iron and be Furiosa.

Technically in Lore they do have those titles, they just haven’t translated to in-game. Highlord is the closest, I guess, from the Paladin class hall quest.

But “Vindicator,” I think, is the Draenei equivalent of a Knight of the Silver Hand, which would be specific to the Human, High Elf and Dwarf holy knights who trained under Faol. Tauren have Sunwalkers because they see the Light as being bestowed upon them by An’she, their sun-god. Sin’dorei have Blood Knights and… er, I’m not sure if Dark Iron Dwarves can be paladins or not, have yet to unlock them.

This is exactly the case. It’s actually been established in the lore that the Light, specifically, is a universal trait that doesn’t just allow itself to be used in the service of “good,” but rather responds to a wielder’s “conviction” (thus allowing cruel atrocities to be done with its power in the name of the Scarlet Crusade, to name but one).