Where did my 120 boost go?

Pre-ordered Shadowlands (Epic), had a 120 boost icon.

Set up a new account with RAF, got BFA for it, and then on my main account, an additional 110 boost icon showed up.

Now just the 110 shows up, and my 120 boost appears to be gone!?

What happened???

Try making a new character and then logging back out to the character selection screen. That will sometimes update the screen to show the boost.

Another possibility is that it’s just waiting for the payment to clear (which shouldn’t take too long). Sometimes it shows up right away and then disappears for a bit, but comes back.


Upgraded during Blizzcon, and have had the boost available for quite some time. Now it’s just…gone.

(Also, I am OP, but the character above apparently hasn’t updated a server/name change)

This would be my advice as well. The boost is still showing from our end as unused on your WoW account. You may just need to try this to refresh the character list UI.