Where are Vanilla Classic players?

Ultimately I think I really just enjoyed the Vanilla world. I’m honestly cool with trying out Alliance if there are more players or staying with Hoard. Anyone have server feel and info?


NA East PvE cluster (pagle etc.) alliance side is your best bet for sure, we have a great community over here :slight_smile:


Ally best. I like. Sulf this toon is on always been here.

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in response to a similar thread:

attached here is a complete list of the realm connections (effectively merges) done in Classic Era:


I made a char on benediction and there were 6 total alliance including one from Incendius, sooooo very dead.

Yea those blue boys are our unicorns, not that we Horde are much larger

Whitemane for PvP, Mankrik for PvE. Horde and alliance are absolutely viable and raiding on both. This is the short and correct answer if you want to play on the more populated servers that raid. Good luck.


the pvp west cluster is not even playable it’s so toxic. you play the way they want you to or nothing at all. it’s nothing but harassment. they have their twams and you’re only welcome if you can drop a buff for them because that’s the only way a new player will be treated well. strict class harassment and bracket controls for pvp. i the pve server is the only viable option since noone complains about it.

Create on Whitemane.

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They need to just merge all pvp, pve and then leave RP alone. So if someone random makes a toon on lets say Benediction and it has 5 players thatll make them just want to leave.

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Thank you guys.

Be aware though that the /who command is broken, at least sometimes. You can wander around SW/ORG doing /who and see players it just doesn’t report. Nothing to do with connected servers, one dude was on mine. And not AFK or DND.

The Who command is not broken. My god you people go through incredibly cringe lengths to advertise your servers.

If I /who and it shows 4 ppl online, that is the correct number

… do you need me to post a video?

No. I have an era toon. I know what’s there

take the free transfer to a populated server then?

I am on the populated server

which server is that because the server i play on never has less than 50 ppl online a server with 4 ppl online is not the correct server

Whitemane. But it really doesn’t matter, I don’t play there. Just parked

i have a character over there and logged in the other day and saw aleast 100 people logged on on both horde and alliance. i highly doubt it drops down to 4 people unless your trying to play in the middle of the night

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