Where are the patch notes about the 1.12 nerfs?

I keep seeing it spouted on these forums that this version of WoW is majorly nerfed and all the bosses are shells of their former selves, etc.

I’m not necessarily disputing that since we have steamrolled MC, I’m just curious where the patch notes are that show the actual changes that were made.


Hardly any content was nerfed during vanilla. It was mostly bug fixes and fixing broken mechanics (such as C’Thun) or the conversion of the 10-man dungeons to 5-mans. Content “feels” nerfed because of: Updated talents and abilities, updated/better itemization, 16 debuff slots, and15 years of knowledge about the game as well as experience playing a significantly mechanically harder WoW.

I am also not counting the 2.0 pre-patch as being “part of vanilla.”


It’s a bunch of nostalgists who’s egos are hurt from that fact that Vanilla is easy and not “hardcore” like they have been hyping for years.


What are you talking about? You can clearly see all those elite mobs not being elite anymore just as an example. Large changes went into effect pre-bc


LOL case in point.


15 years and doing anything for the first time is still a massive hurdle

I can’t imagine how fun it was for the first few guilds figuring out things like they can’t actually kill Majordomo. Must have taken like 100 wipes before they could even get a strategy down for Ragnaros

Dope game. And this is still only the first 2 raids and battlegrounds aren’t even released yet :heart_eyes:


That’s 2.0, not 1.12.

If I recall, part of the reason why it took so many months for Rag to die was that people could literally not figure out how douse the runes to summon him.


in the twisted memories of people angry at the 25 guild per server clearing MC


Yeah that sort of raw discovery could take a while back then. With no hand holding guides to tell you “Go to Azshara to do a questline” they had to figure it out, spread the word THEN someone had to post it online.

They wouldnt design something like that these days.


Exactly, when I first did the quintessence quest 14 years ago, I remember wondering how anybody would have found this guy out in the middle of nowhere, and then put the pieces together that Duke’s quests is what was needed to summon Domo/Rag.

It’s crazy.


and those are relevant to MC ridiculously easy state because?

Your first paragraph doesn’t make any sense, but your second paragraph does. Your third sentence is also terrible. BWL/AQ/ and Naxx are not going to be very challenging either. Some bosses may present a temporary bump in the road in Naxx, but for the most part nearly every guild that wants to will clear naxx and many guilds will be doing it within the first two weeks. Naxx is going to be about as difficult as the first raid tier of a retail expansion normal raid. It won’t even be on the level of heroic difficulty, and the first raid tier is always the easiest.


The biggies are:

  • Patch 1.4 - Devs buffed Spell Power, not because it was weak, but because people were opting out of it in favor of Int/Spr/Mp5, but people continued to avoid it
  • Patch 1.6 - Warriors got a nice talent update, giving Fury something to actually press with the creation of Bloodthirst, but alas folks still largely ran Warriors as Tanks only and you didn’t see runs of 8+ DPS Warriors
  • Patch 1.10 - Loot had gaps, a majority of folks were still not really raiding, and being a healer-spec’d Hybrid was boring, so crappy items were reworked and new items added Note: we only received some of these on release
  • Patch 1.11 - Mages get their rework with the advent of Naxx, getting nothing really new or special, just raw stats in the form of a LOT of free Spell Hit. The Frost bump with Winter’s Chill wasn’t special then because Naxx and Frost /giggle, but also because Fire was dominating, but since we got that now for Molten Core… that’s 10% free spell crit too

That’s really it. There were lots of other changes to be sure, but these changes were either nerfs or neutral. When ZG came out, so many +Defense pieces existed that Blizzard felt OK with nerfing the amount on each piece, which is the stat balance we received with Classic. Other changes like Balance Druids getting Moonkin and Shaman remaining… largely… useless… sorry guys… were pretty big for PvP, but not so much in PvE.

So like people have said repeatedly:


killing adds before boss is a common strategy… but in the case they decided to tunnel on the boss, him healing to full every few second would be a pretty good indicator.

I say that, but i’ve seen LFR people tunnel vision g’huun for all of P1 without ever wondering why the boss heal to full every 2 seconds or so … so maybe it’s not as obvious as I think.

Must have taken like 100 wipes before they could even get a strategy down for Ragnaros

dont think anything in classic took close to a 100 wipe. in TBC people’s spirit would be crushed by magtheridon after the 20-25 pull.

I would add faster/better internet connections and PC’s… I think it’s a pretty significant factor.

As for experience playing a harder WoW, I haven’t run into any retail Mythic raiders in Classic yet. Most seem to be people who quit WoW multiple xpacs ago. But I will agree that there are very few actual noobs playing Classic, i.e. people playing WoW for the first time, and I think vanilla was tuned under the assumption that you’d be carrying a bunch of those people in raids.

I also think that there are very few lazy, entitled baddies playing it… those people are playing retail or something else instead, where rewards are handed out much more freely without having to put forth much effort.

Taken together, very few first time noobs and very few lazy, entitled baddies, it raises the average skill level of the population significantly above what it was in vanilla (and probably significantly above retail), by subtraction. Combined with the other factors, the result is that we’re plowing through the content.

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Thank you, that’s exactly the breakdown I was looking for and coincides with my memory of vanilla.

Wasn’t there also a pass to add a lot of caster stats to blue items? It feels like Phase 1 bis for many casters has lots of blues due to T1 having odd itemization. I don’t remember any healers rolling into MC with 300+ healing back in the day.

There were also changes that made the game more difficult, but the people claiming 1.12 is heavily nerfed, and early Vanilla was super hard conveniently forget about those.


There was Patch 1.4, which was just a straight bump to existing Spell Power and Healing Power items, which existed from Patch 1.1 onward.


Then there was Patch 1.10, which updated or straight added new items with much more desirable caster stats on them.


Ban’thok is particularly extreme in just how much of a jump it is on its own on top of being just a fantastic item compared to all other available pieces.

I’m not sure on Healing, because I’ve never tallied it up before, but for a Mage at least in Patch 1.1 could waltz around with 140 raw Spell Power and 65 Frost Power. But like I said, people favored Int/Spr/Mp5. Theorycrafting assumed fights would last longer than your typical mana pool would, so when you factor that in to maximize DPS, the efficiency/longevity stats dominate.

Had you told anyone that Rag could be killed in ~60 seconds, you’d have been laughed off every forum because the idea was entirely alien.