When you get perfect stat 445 socketed wrists but it's BOE

Money will be handy always, 445 will be trash tier in next patch

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Bagnon addon


just depends on how much you value the gold

can buy tokens at 140k gold per $20 so that’s $80-$100 right now but the 700k value will drop after a while

for me since they added gold buying, I could care less about any amount of gold for anything. The AH is just a place where I can get a few slots upgraded early in a tier if I care enough

my time is infinitely more valuable than the cost of buying gold, just in avoiding wasting my free time on boredom alone

however sometimes I find this game tedious and boring in every activity when I’m just repeating stuff I’ve done before many times. At that point I hesitate to invest any more money into a game that is not entertaining me whatsoever.

you have to decide your own opportunity costs

When the 445 socketed wrists are probably barely an upgrade over 420 socketed benthics it really isn’t a hard decision.

Absolutely sell them. Those will be what 405 socketed bracers were in 8.1. Would you consider 405 socketed amazing now?

Make that gold son.

Edit - sorry I replied to you Quin didn’t mean to.

Ah I see you teeter into Chaotic Neutral.

@OP, the next tier is probably going to be around November/December, that’s plenty of time to get something better or equal to what you received.

Sell it now. 700k will last you longer than the lowest stat volume armor slot. Just m+ more to make up for the difference.

You could try to sell it, maybe list it at 1M first for 2 days and if when it does not sell drop the price to 899,995g
repeat gold drops by around 100k or until its reaches a value you would feel like buying it if the roll was reversed and you saw it on AH.

But if that had Bis Stats, a socket AND leech I would keep it. Leech is mine ALL mine. >-> <-< >->

Your choices are:

  1. Sell for 700k and feel RICH!

  2. Wear it and feel good for few months and replace it with the next green item in the expac.