When will we get a Horde story?

Is it pathological, or deliberate? I desperately need to know.

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Sylvanas essentially wanted to kill Arthas by any means necessary, while the Forsaken essentially followed in her footsteps. Of course, you’re not gonna remember their goal of wanting to kill everything because that never happened.

Potentially. And it wasn’t originally aimed that the Horde.

Sure, but she didn’t use it on the Horde.

Look, Sylvanas was always a bad person. But she wasn’t an open threat to the Horde. To the Horde she was not a villain originally. She absolutely became one later. But she wasn’t at the start.

Oh look, the child is back.

Are you having fun with your invented narrative?

Take pot shots at me and suffer the wrath of more verbal diarrhea. Seriously though, pathological or deliberate? I never mentioned or alluded to the Alliance, explained that, explained that again, explained that was a deliberate choice to avoid speedrunning the same “But what about the Alliance / Horde Players are wrong / You are a victim” dialogue tree, and you somehow still think the conversation is about Horde vs. Alliance.

What am I missing here?

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Wrong, Sylvanas was never a threat to the Horde. You can’t remember a time where she went “I’m gonna kill all those orcs, trolls and cows,” because it didn’t happen. Even with the Forsaken being cursed with their souls being partially attached to the corpses did they have that goal.

No one can remember when that happened because it didn’t.


Their original motto was Death to the living though. And I doubt it was metaphorical


Are you sure about that or did you make that up in your head?



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I’m positive. I got a pretty good memory


How positive are you?

Are you sure you’re not thinking of “beware the living?”

Edit: I’ll help you out. You’re thinking of a group of rebels that the Forsaken killed during the Wrathgate scenario.


Why don’t you go see how the Captured Mountaineer enjoys this special drink I made for him? It contains a subtle hint of what The Dark Lady has planned for the rest of Azeroth.

Note its not “the Alliance” not even “the Scourge” but the “rest of Azeroth”.

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Several forsaken NPCs when they attack the alliance during the WoT, and a few during legion also yell Death to the living

Edit: It stood out enough to me that it stuck with me and I guess I memory holed it as a group think mentality the forsaken were known for :dracthyr_nod:


Has it ever occurred to you that he was wrong? We literally have books that explains her motivations, you of all people know what her motivations were. Cdev spelled them out for us.

But you’re gonna take a one liner from a rando Forsaken? It doesn’t surprise me, anything to fit your narrative right?

Edit: We know what plans were, because they are clearly spelled out.


Has it ever occur to you those motivations/new insights happened AFTER years of WoW’s constant revision?

Regardless this is proof that Sylvanas was always being villain coded, not just toward the Alliance, since Vanilla.

Literally the Forsaken intro says they will “go to any length to make sure their DARK PLANS come to fruition”.


Its only proof because you want to believe it. You’re gonna completely ignore the fact that she only wanted to kill Arthas and commit suicide because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

We are to ignore everything that cdev has ever wrote about Sylvanas to believe this rando Forsaken.

I just showed you the forsaken intro. If anything Sylvanas’ more wicked side ended up getting toned down just a smidge only to be ramped back up to eleven for BfA.

Regardless, these are proof she(and by extension the Forsaken) were villain coded when they were first added in Vanilla. So yeah, I dont think people should be suprised she did end up being a villain!

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So we should ignore the fact that she wanted to kill Arthas and commit suicide.

"She longed for it. A return to peace. The work she had begun in the forests of Silvermoon was finally complete with the death of Arthas.

She lifted her bow from her shoulder and cast it aside. It clattered against the uneven ice. Then she removed her quiver. Arrows spilled from it, cascading down the side of Icecrown Citadel, disappearing one by one into the fog. The empty quiver dropped quietly to the ground at her feet."


Instead of believing what Cdev actually wrote about Sylvanas, we are to believe that her goals was to kill everyone in Azeroth?


No. That is not at all what I said, because I personally kinda like Edge of Night.

However Sylvanas was always a villain/was having big red flags waving her future villain status. To BOTH factions.

Even at the most generous reading Sylvanas would have sacrificed the Horde(and the Forsaken) without a moment’s thought if it meant getting what she wanted.

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Sylvanas has as much as villain code as Jaina when she attempted genocide. My point is there was a fork in the road, before Sylvanas went full on mustache twirl.


And I strongly disagree with that. Blizzard only creates villains for them to inevitably turn into a boss we have to kill, because that’s how WoW’s story is told. Someone becomes or already is evil, we eventually murder them. There may be exceptions (Sylvanas), but even those exceptions required exceptional circumstances to force off the villainy path. And also still were bosses we fought, just without killing them.

You can cite any CDev saying “that was not the intent” and it’s irrelevant. I can also say it wasn’t my intent to play WoW for the last 20 years.

“I never went into World of Warcraft with the intention of playing it for the last twenty years.”

I mean, it’s not a false statement, but guess what? I still played it. I never once tried to not play it (beyond my seasonal breaks). I had every opportunity to not play the game any longer, and never once tried that road.

So what does that intent matter?

That too is not at all relevant, because that isn’t the conversation I’m engaging with. I’m not discussing some “misery-measuring contest.” My arguments are not even relating Horde leaders turning villains contrasted with the Alliance… Anything at all.

Heck, it’s not even relevant to the bit you quoted; how stated intents do not matter when compared to actual gameplay and story development.

The Alliance can equally point out how CDev intent is utterly irrelevant to their actual play experience. Alliance players are also jipped when they’re told BfA would be more morally ambiguous and shades of grey than Cata/MoP and instead recieved exactly the opposite. In fact, it’s a pretty common issue brought up by Alliance players.

Trying to turn this into something it isn’t will not work with me, Glow Gnome. I do not care if other people will use my argument that CDev intent is indisputably less relevant than CDev action for something I dislike, because the statement will still remain true. Intention is less important than action and implementation.

Not only did I never intend to say that… Nothing I said implied or could reasonably be interpreted as that.

Since Cata, Garrosh and Sylvanas were made to become villains. That is my statement.

Fact: Garrosh did become the end boss of MoP, proving he was, in fact, a villain.
Fact: Prior to Cata, nothing suggested Garrosh would go down that road, beyond some Big Aggro Talk in Wrath, which was still a rather far cry from blowing cities up.

Conclusion: Garrosh, therefore, was not a villain pre-Cata, but by MoP was indisputably one.

Sylvanas there’s some wiggle room. She always had a darker, more evil edge to her. But she was certainly not positioned as a threat the Horde would have to deal with eventually until Cata.
Fact: Cata is where she started wantonly and openly using Val’kyr and the Plague, in spite of Horde characters (including Garrosh) openly being appauled by it.
Fact: The Shattering, the Cata prologue book, slightly retconned even her bringing the blood elves into the Horde to a more malicious thing than it had initially been presented as during TBC.
Fact: BfA and SL are her villain arc.

Conclusion: Sylvanas might have been evil before, but it was not until Cata-era that Horde characters were openly expressing how problematic her actions might be, and this only worsened with time. She too is exactly as I said; made into a villain to be defeated (I said killed, but should have specified defeated) during Cata.

One last time: You can tell me CDev didn’t intend this until you’re blue in the face. It is irrelevant. They may not have intended to do it, but they not only did it anyway, they never even tried to walk it back and instead doubled down on it.

Regardless of some imagined discussion about Alliance and Horde misery-measuring.