When will they fix ele Crit in PvP?

The passive that causes elemental Crits to hit harder does not work in PvP. This is one of the reasons we suck so bad.


They won’t. No one at blizzard is working on the shaman class. In fact, they don’t even know we exist anymore.


Sorry, out of the loop…what are you referring to?

The elemental crit passive “Elemental fury” Does not work in pvp. Which means we do not get the 250% only 200% crit dmg bonus. Apparently this has been disabled since… WoD… At least I have heard that is the case. Am I 100% sure… No, but it is probably true. Isn’t like there are any ele shaman left in pvp to test it right? Ahaha… Ah. I am now sad.

This is one of the reasons we tickle people in PvP.

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Crit dmg in pvp is 150% everyone not Ele
Crit dmg in pvp is 175% for ele