When is the nerf

Do i just need to be a ret pally now? since they take 0 skill to play and have everything to counter every class?


Nerf ringing clarity.

Nobody should be able to instant cast a spell that randomly hits a single target for 40k+ from 30 yards out.

And no conduit should convey that kind power.

The conduit also scales insanely well so that max ringing clarity proc divine tolls are getting alot more common.

  • Ringing Clarity (Kyrian Potency Conduit) Divine Toll has a 40.0% chance to cast 3 extra time on the main target.
    Ranks: 40.0%, 44.0%, 48.0%, 52.0%, 56.0%, 60.0%, 64.0%, 68.0%, 72.0%, 76.0%, 80.0%, 84.0%, 88.0%, 92.0%, 96.0%

At max rank, its almost guaranteed full procs…

lmao. Ret itself isnt that amazing, its just the damage that’s extra crazy. Thats why they fall off considerately in 2s where only damage isnt good enough to get kills.

In 3s with the support of an arms warrior tho, that’s where ret trully shine.

Yup, ringing clarity nerf again would be a good start. But the main problem of Ret is outside source of stackable damage increase. Like Necrolord Banner from Arms warrior, Skyfury from Shamans, Dark Archangel from Disc. All these damage increase scales way too good with the rest of Ret burst.

Honestly the worst contender is Necrolord Banner, 400 mastery for ret is straight up +30% holy damage. And most Rets have 27-33% mastery from their own gear. You go up to 60% mastery with the banner and that’s +60% holy damage.

Could also nerf Seraphim


The problem with ret is they come 95% of the time with a warrior.

Should be cut by half easy in pvp. It’s just broken nothing more to say.

Otherwise I don’t feel ret that oppressive with other comps

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I think it might be a learn 2 play issue, you have terrible gear and you are a DK, you can literally use AMS every time a Paladin uses cooldowns. Go take a look at the 3v3 ladder and you will see that Ret isn’t over represented, it actually looks fairly spread out between classes. If anything Ret could use a buff to survivability, you don’t find a Ret in the 2v2 ladder until Vanguards at 95th place, and he’s probably the best PVP Ret there is.


welcome to them stacking doubling effects. ringing baseline is 2x judgment damage, if it crits then its an additional 2x.

poor design on blizzards part and it stops any discussion of improving ret as a whole.



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paladin burst is predictable. if you cant see it coming idk what to tell ya lol


Survive their bust cd and they are wet noodles for 2 minutes.


I usually cyclone as soon as i see wings

this is clearly a learn to play issue, you cut a ret paladins burs short with stuns or cc or cyclones or line of sight. they cant do jack for a minute. again wheelchair class, play keep away and they are sitting ducks. force a bubble and then focus all attention on their partner for 8 seconds, then hard swap back to ret paladin


So you’re saying nerf ret, yet everything you described as needing a nerf is a covenant feature.
You’re not that bright are you.
If you’re dying to rets then learn to play better.
Out burst is easy af to counter and you don’t don’t need an addon to tell you it’s coming.
All you gotta do is spot the giant Golden wings and use your defensives and cc us.
After our burst is gone we hit like a wet noodle.
Not to mention we have extremely low mobility.

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PvP is pretty fun this xpac. Lots of specs seem viable and I generally like the pace and spikiness of damage for the most part.

My biggest issue is that there are a few things that seem a bit TOO bursty such that procs/crits can leave very little to no time to react.

Amped spinning crane kick is one. Ret final reckoning + divine toll (useable at 30 yards out) is another. Feral convoke is a third.

I just think the really crazy 100-0 in 1-2 seconds stuff should be toned down a bit.

Saying learn to play or just trade cds doesn’t really address how crazy the high end damage on this stuff can be w/modifiers and crits and procs. Particularly when these abilities have (or in the case of convoke, can be modified to have) relatively short CDs that are up more frequently than most defensives and can be paired with instant cast stuns from these specs that also have shorter CDs than trinket.

Whether the fix is via a reduction in damage or via making them auto crit at a reduced damage threshold to avoid some of the random spikiness (like they just did to a lock spell in 9.1.5) or something else, it just seems to me like we could do w/a little less of the 1-2 second 100-0 deletions that leave people looking back at their logs to sort out how someone just got deleted in the blink of an eye.

The culprits at this point for Ret are Seraphim/Judgment’s debuff and Final Reckoning debuff that can stack together for a huge blowout, but the rest is from outside source like Necro Banner, Skyfury and Dark Archangel.

Necro Banner is a net 30% extra holy damage for Ret, which is why most Ret wants to run with a necro war in 3s.

The game in general has way too many modifiers that can stack like this. Conduits/Covenants are a huge problem in this way, and then the specs themselves aswell.


Imo it’s mostly covenant abilities that are the culprit, instead of the classes themselves.
Too many people are screaming nerf ret, and then complaining about divine toll, knowing good and well that diivine toll is a covenant ability, and not a ret class talent, or class ability. While yes it’s exclusive to ret, it’s from our covenant, not our class.
Burst happens pretty quickly yes, but addons can be used in order to counter that burst.
Personally I don’t like one shot abilities, and feel that they themselves need to be toned down.
Some require some set up, while others don’t. And it feels like it kind of just cheapens the game.

Cap modifier stacking?

call the cops.

I wouldnt be mad if they nerfed it for PvP but for pve as prot its really only our one big threat grab/OhNoButton.


Renae is telling the truth so everyone should be taking NOTES!!!