When is the covenant change hotfix being released?

When will it be released? Why was it a hotfix? it should have been implemented with the 9.1 patch release…

Based on the blue post they’re expecting it to go live in the next couple of days.

They’ll keep us updated

Should be after this or the next reset I’d think

Do I understand correctly re: this change… that returning to a covenant will let you start at the renown you had earned with it previously?

Not giving a date is weird, if I understand right that means you need to switch NOW, so you can grind the new covenant to 42 and then still be able to go back to your old one after the change.

If you wait til the change actually happens and THEN switch you’re out of luck.

It should have been, “now the covenants all realize working together is important, from 9.1 on you do not suffer true same penalty swapping back and forth. I mean make it like a 24 hour cooldown if you want then guilds can’t literally swap covenants for each boss during the mythic race.

should be live made the switch a few hrs ago

No they won’t. We only have on reddit post so far which could be fake.

I wrote that closer to the date they posted it. :joy: It’s only what you’d expect if they said ‘we’re expecting it to go live in the next few days’