When is archeology making a comeback from being forgotten?

Well, we’re back to what I said before, then:

Can Blizzard make the crates warbound and a way get rid of the bug sites in MoP. I still finish working on the Seeker of Knowledge title.

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I still liked it though. Back in the day it was really popular for people to play golf with it. You had to see who could get the artifact in the least number of guesses.

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Not remotely what we are talking about since the same happened in DF, DI, whatever

They are focused on esports (mythic+) and everything else is secondary and archaeology is last on the list if even on the list.

Probably never, blizzard openly stated they were no longer going to do anything with it. Just be glad you still have it unlike poor first aid.

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I totally forgot Archeology existed.

Can’t believe it’s been 3 expansions since it was last updated.

Hell, I’m suprised it didn’t go the way of First Aid at this point.

It’s gone and likely never coming back, same as Blizzard saying they’re bringing back Brawler’s Guild and here we are years later, without it back.

Too cheap and lazy these days. Past two expansions are proof of that.

This seems like a good idea. I liked the mini games for Tortollan quest rep during BFA. It stayed interesting because there were different ones. I would absolutely love an arch come-back where they add in dig sites for all the missed expansions as little mini games at each one. Maybe the better you do, the more fragments you get?

The minesweeper one & the string unsorting games that they have at the arcade console during Darkmoon Faire are my favorite mini games… I already love arch because of the lore (and possible secret-finding) attached to it, but if they added in puzzle games I would for sure be hooked.

As for the glyphs, oh my word, I so very much wish that they would utilize it to at least give us cosmetic changes. How I would love to change my human idling animation to something that fits my rogue better than the my-feet-are-getting-tired-lemme-rest-this-one pose… like maybe flipping a coin every so often, or pulling out a pack of cards and shuffling them! And heels on all my boots. That’s the dream glyph right there. Sadly, I’ve been staring at this same animation & footwear for a literal two decades and I’m prolly gonna be staring at them for a couple more.

It kind of already has, it’s just another thing the devs skip over.

I’ve always been sad they got rid of Archaeology. It was such a nice, good idea. Then they just abandoned it.

Revisiting glyphs, especially if all races get to be all classes, could help scribes get a lot of gold.

Imagine if we could customize our spells to have an aesthetic that suits our race’s relationship with a class? Could be cool… have the system to do it right there…

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So many missed opportunities with archaeology.

I did literally everything you could do at one point and then they just stopped adding content…

Finding toys and transmog items is a fun mini game, not sure why they stopped.